

Does anyone out there have a strictly abs tape they like? I am soooo bored with abs. I have Keli Roberts your best abs (too easy) & Automony Abs (which I love, I am just bored with it).
My tummy is pretty strong, I am just ever so bored with everything I know for abs. I like doing tapes because I don't have to think and keep track of reps, but most of them are just too easy.
[PS I do yoga/pilates...if you have one that really focuses on abs that is tough, I'll take those suggestions as well.) :)
How about Voight?

Karen Voight's Body Reform Abs & Back comes to mind. It's Pilates & yoga inspired. I think you'll find it plenty tough. If you want to do something totally different for abs, go to a pure Pilates tape like Stott or The Method.
Do you have any of Cathe's CTX series tapes?? I think the core work she does in this series is excellent. CIA's Power Bar Training has a decent ab section at the end incorporating the power bar as an "ab roller" and doing crunches with the power bar and weight plates. If these are too easy you can always increase the poundage of the weight plate for added resistance. As far as an abs only tape, I have yet to find one that I find challenging. I keep hoping Cathe will come out with an all abwork tape with about three or so 15 minute killer ab workouts. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Let me know if you find any good ab tapes, I'd be interested in them too.

:) Stacy
I love AB attack by Trish muse! Her first half hour works it all! She has excellent cuing and great music"alla cathe style" The second half is core stabilization! You get the best of both worlds here! After doing her tape you can skip a day and not feel like you have to work your abs the next day! Very effective and highly recommended! Your friend in fitness --Francine
Ab Attack sounds awesome!! And I thought I was done ordering videos for awhile, lol.

Thanks for the info,

:) Stacy

P.S. After this, I'm done buying new videos....unless Cathe puts out some more new ones that is....I could have other vices I guess!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-31-01 AT 01:05PM (Est)[/font][p]Have you tried The Firm-5 day Abs? Each day is roughly 7 - 10 minutes long, or you can lump a few together for a longer workout. My stomach muscles are usually well-worked each day, and if you go all out, by the end of the week they're screaming.
The More of 5-day Abs video is not as challenging.
Hey Kristina!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-31-01 AT 02:14PM (Est)[/font][p]I just couldn't resist to your spelling of "Abdominals"!! Did you know "abominable" means detestable?? How appropriate! 'Abominable-Abdominals' Okay, now I need to go get my dictionary out to see if I spelled those right! LOL! Sorry, just had to laugh every time I saw this thread!!;-)

See, I guess I shouldn't tease! I had to come back and edit my spelling on abdominals. I think I better get off this thread!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :)
"If You Get The Chance To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!"
RE: Hey Kristina!

Hello Debbie H! That was actually an intentional play on words rather than a malapropism, glad you got a giggle out of it! Blast from the past, Jane Fonda had a tape where she called them abominables and I laughed every time I did the tape, made me think of that old claymation christmas special with the "abominable snowman". It's just stuck with me over the years.

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I started doing the yoga/core strength stuff last year and it is great, probably better than traditional crunch based work, to be honest. I am just missing a good old fashioned calistenic type ab workout for days when I want to be on autopilot (no counting, no inner focus, just grunt and blast out the reps) I have thought about the Trish Muse tape a few times, I think I might break down and order it. Thanks again for all your thoughts!

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