Ab workouts


My husband and I have just entered into a contest with each other to see who can get 6-pack abs first. Neither of us have ever had them, as we're both apple-shaped and extra thick around the middle. (Come to think of it, I didn't see my ab muscles even when I was underweight). For him, the emphasis will be on weight loss entirely because he's such an endomorph that every muscle in his body is just naturally developed. For me, the emphasis will be more on developing the ab muscles, and losing a few pounds.

What do you folks think of Ab Hits? Is it outdated now that Cathe has come out with so many more ab routines on her newer videos? Has anyone seen great results with any particular ab routine?

Thanks folks!
Ab Hits is great, especially the DVD. Because of the way it's chaptered, you can scoot through pieces of two or more ab routines to get the mix-and-match that you want, as well as the extended premixes that Cathe has fashioned. And no, I don't think that Cathe's upcoming ab routines will render Ab Hits obsolete - you have to continually challenge the core muscles in different ways, even if that means the same exercises arranged in different orders, to keep them stimulated, and that includes traditional crunches as well as planks.

My personal favorite (so glad you asked) stand-alone ab routine is the CTX Kickbox ab routine, because of the way the prone and supine planks (as well as those deliciously evil leg raises in the supine plank segment), the supine "roll-ups" (a vastly underrated move IMHO), AND the reverse curl-ups kick off the workout. Not to mention the V-sit (another underrated move) at the end. I like to do that one strictly as produced, or combine the plank and roll-up section with Cardio-Weights ab routine or the Slow and Heavy traditional ab routine. But they're all good on that DVD.

RE: Me too

I had a contest with my husband once to see who could get a 6-pack first. I took a shortcut to that liquor store and won by a long shot.
RE: Me too

Good one Jilly. That's about the only six pack I have ever had. I'll keep working on it though.

I love Ab Hits. I would recommend it. My back has been feeling great since I started working my abs with Cathe. (I had some back trouble after I turned 40).

Hi Nancy,

I've been doing IS for about a month now and love what the ab work in that series is doing for me. I was at kind of an "ab plateau" before, but now I'm starting to see some nice results - a fledgling four-pack is starting to emerge!! :D :D I love those medicine ball moves. HTH.

the ab routine that really worked for me to increase ab strength and see those muscles for the first time in 10 years, after 2 kids, is the MIS routine. It's long, never lets up and works a treat. Is it on the ab hits DVD? If so, definitely buy it!

And good luck with your contest, I hope you win!

OK -I'm inspired!

You have inspired me to show this thread to my DH and see if he's up for it! We have both just started new rotations (after not doing any kind of steady workouts for quite a while.) Neither of us has ever had a six-pack, either. We actually joke about that alot. So now I'm going to see if he's up to a challenge!! Isn't that what marriage is about - helping bring out the best in each other?

Thanks for the motivation!!
RE: OK -I'm inspired!


I told my husband that we inspired another couple, and he said we should exchange pictures and judge each other!

My feeling is that instead of relying on pictures, we should measure our waists at the beginning, and then whoever loses more inches wins.

Or maybe we should do both. Anyway, we took our waist measurements :(
and we're off and running!

Do convince your hubby. Competition is very motivating! Keep us posted.

I was gonna say Kickbox too! A-J, you took the words right outa my mouth darnit!

There's something very effective yet fun about that one.
RE: OK -I'm inspired!

I've read many times that men do better with weight loss because they will often compete with their buddies, and make a game out of it. Women tend to do more whining and fretting and make it an ordeal.

Just my humble opinion.
RE: OK -I'm inspired!


I've noticed that men do make more of a competition of things, and it works for them. But I also think that the way we women do things works for us. It's hard to compare two such very different types of creatures! I don't think that what women do can be called whining or fretting, and I resent your characterization. Why use negative words to characterize women? Men may do better at losing weight for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that they often have more to lose to begin with! But that doesn't mean that the female way is inherently inferior. No doubt, there is a wisdom to the way we do things too.

I grew up in a household, as many women have, that worshipped the men. Believe me when I tell you that no good can come from such attitudes. I am still amazed every time I do something well, because I wasn't expected to amount to anything. In many ways, I have now surpassed my father and brothers, and yet still, to this day, I am amazed. I know how much negative characterizations of women can hurt and destroy potential, especially for young women and adolescents. If your words are not hurtful to you as a woman, at least think twice before using them because of the effect they may have on others.

Thanks for listening Honeybunch. You hit on the topic closest to my heart here!!

What a fun idea, Nancy. I love it !!! I mentioned it to my husband also. I think we may try it too. :)
It will be fun to try to help motivate each other !! I am in the Menopause time and have a tummy -- UGH!! For years, my tummy was so flat -- now it's big and yukky !! I'd love to have tight abs again!!!
Thanks for sharing your great contest!! Good luck.


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