Ab segment


Hi Guys!
What does everyone think is the best ab segment in one of Cathe's videos? I'm trying to get as close to a 6 pack as I can by summer and need a good ab routine. Thanks!
Looks like I'm gonna be going with the Bootcamp core! Mainly because thats the only one of those videos I own haha. Thanks allison!

I really like the ab section in Butts and Guts. I love the use of weights in it. It's one of my faves! BC core x2 sounds intense! I will have to give that one a try as well

>Looks like I'm gonna be going with the Bootcamp core! Mainly
>because thats the only one of those videos I own haha. Thanks

Oh Lauren, you MUST invest in those workouts! Not only for the ab sections but because they are such fantastic, kick butt workouts. Hope you enjoy BC core X 2!!

Oh, and I must give credit where credit's due--Gayle (Banslug) is the one who came up with the idea of doing the bootcamp core twice. I stole it from her--but I'm soooo glad I did!! ;) :D :)


I actually like the core section in SPJ (Step, Pump and Jump). I did the ab section 4 times a week for about 3 weeks and noticed a big difference in my abs. I also like PUB but I'm going to try the bootcamp core section twice. Sounds like fun!!
PUB abs, ME abs or 4DS Kickbox abs

I think the bootcamp abs are okay, but twice sounds fun. I may have to try that:)
I enjoy too many of Cathe's core routines to limit myself to one favorite; however, I'd like to second Deanie on Muscle Endurance's (ME's) core section. It has a great mix of weighted core work, long-leg/arm work, bicycles, and a drill I haven't seen anywhere else: isolation presses in which you press your hands against your elevated knees for a really, really effective isometric contraction. I wish she'd bring that drill back in.

What I like to do is mish-mosh her ab / core sequences, usually with CTX's Kickbox planks (prone and supine) and supine roll-ups with another core routine. Also, I like to mish-mosh KPC's stability ball supine work (cutting it off right before the plank work) with another more traditional floor routine.

As long as everyone is suggesting great ab workouts I have a question. How many times a week should I work my abs and for how long? Thanks.
Core Max sec. 3 for me.

You should work your abs the same way you work any other muscle--once or twice a week, preferably w/weights. Traditional routines have you doing like hundreds of crunches every day, but that's overtraining & will shrink your muscle. To build the muscle & get a six pack, train them like you do the rest of your body.

I do abs 2X a week. Once at the gym--weighted crunches & cable crunches--& once at home, usually Core Max sec. 3 & the weighted abs from B&G. Also I like Tracey Staehle's Core Strength & Conditioning, & will be trying her Core Blast tomorrow.
I LOVE KPC stability ball plank routine. It's incredibly intense butu know you're really putting your abs to work. If you can endure it, you'll be screaming when your done. I also love the ab routine from her "cardio and weights" video. Excellent! Especially the oblique work. WHOO! It's serious! The core segment in the SPJ video is do die for. I absolutely love it.
It's hard to single out just One of her videos cuz they're all good n it wouldn't be fair. :)
i agree with you LauraMax. CoreMax3 is really good. i LOVE it. But i do my abs about 4 to 5 days out the week. I go hard on them 3 days out the week and take it easy the other 2 days. My husband is a weight trainer for Bally's and he (as well as other trainers), have told me it's ok to work your stomach 4 to 5 times a week if you want to, as long as you don't overdo it and over work the muscle, to the point where you can't do your other workouts.

But then again, everybody's body is different, so you just have to do what works best for you and your body.

To each his own i guess.


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