Ab routine



I'm looking for an Ab routine as tough as Butts & gutts and Body Max2 or harder! Which workout would you suggest?

My fave is Core Max routine #3 - with the heaviest medicine ball you can handle!

~ Ann ~
Aim for nothing, and you'll hit it every time!
I second Ann's suggestion for the third routine on Core Max! Actually, all three of the Core Max workouts kick my behind (or should that be "abs"?). I just got the DVD a few weeks ago, and it's definitely worth it!

I find the abs segment in Cardio and Weights, and Muscle Endurance to be really tough. They are shorter, though. (About 9 min. or so.) Love them!!! ~~~Nancy J.~~~
Hi -

I also like the ab premix from the Bootcamp DVD.. that is an excellent ab workout too.. Tons of variety and tough moves.

Lynn M.

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