AB Rocket or AB Circle Pro


Hi Everyone,

What do you think is better? Not sure if I want to purchase or not, but can use all the help I can get!!!

I think a good overall program with weight training, core work and cardio is better than any gimmicky, overpriced, one-trick-pony exercise device. A stability ball and some good exercises, along with watching your diet, would be a better investment, IMO.
Yes - you can do wayyyyy more on your own for your abs. You will pay a lot of money for something that won't work your core like good old fashioned core work (and I say old fashioned but mean anything that is basic and not gimmicky.) You will also have some piece of equipment just sitting there. Buy some ab DVDs, do the ab work in Cathe's DVDs, get a TRX, some gliding plates - all sorts of options out there that really WILL work your core.
Gerrity...I agree with the other posters...but I heard that the ab circle pro is very hard on the knees and also that it's hard to keep your knees on the pads.

Hope this helps!!! :) Jonezie
I agree with the other posters as well. I wouldn't any more equipment like that stuff core work and a ball should be good enough.

I have to work on my diet b/c my abs are my problem areas :(

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