Ab muscles different?


Hi all!
I'm 9 weeks pp at this point. I'm back to my pre-preg weight, and have been back in my regular clothes since week 2. Everything is back to normal, except my ab muscles.

I have muscle tone like I always did, and the strength has returned 100%. But I find that they are shaped different. I carried the baby very low, and it seems that the natural "bow" that most women have in their lower abs has moved up for me. It's now sitting right under my belly button, rather than a few inches lower than it used to. Mind you, it's firm, so this is not belly fat I'm talking about.
I'm spending a lot of time doing planks and belly breathing. I work on constantly pulling in my transverse, wondering if that's the problem.

Is this normal? Will it shift again as time passes, or is this how my abs are going to be shaped now?

Again, it just feels different. I'm really happy with my progress as a whole. But my clothes fit different as a result of this and it's annoying.
You'd think after 2 kids I would have an answer for you! Wish I could offer some help! I hope all your planking works! I'll be needing it soon!
gosh its been 5 years since my last son was born and I can vaguely remember something like this going on with my abs. I was worried about it but I think it resolved itself. BTW congrats on being back to prepreg weight. I hope I do as well! Jess
Have your abs seperated? There is a term for it, but I didn't have it happen till my 3rd and it was a noticalbe gap between my abs and it was up near my belly button.. I hpe to have it fixed when they go in for my c/s this time around. I know there are specific ab exercises you can do if that is what has happened.
Have your abs seperated? There is a term for it, but I didn't have it happen till my 3rd and it was a noticalbe gap between my abs and it was up near my belly button.. I hpe to have it fixed when they go in for my c/s this time around. I know there are specific ab exercises you can do if that is what has happened.

No, I don't have a diastasis.
Maybe this is something that will go away as I work. Some days it seems like a problem, and some days things feel like they used to. Hmmm.

Oh well, thanks ladies!
seperated abs

you know I have that particular problem now! I am not sure if I was able to correct it before I had my third or fourth babies. Does anybody have any suggestions? The last was a c-section.
Ab muscles? What are these things you call "Ab muscles?" LOL Seriously, I'm pregnant with baby #3, and the last child I had was a c-section (this one will be too). I thought after Henry was born that I was destined to have jiggly/cottage cheese tummy forever, but last summer (07) I made major headway in getting rid of that jiggle. I think probably the best thing I did was clean up my eating and step up the cardio workouts --loved interval workouts (in addition to daily weight workouts --never the same body parts twice). Once I get the OK from my doc this time around I plan on getting back into the swing of things --starting first with the clean eating while I heal. I think that has SOOOO much to do with it!!!

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