
Active Member

just wanted to know if anyone uses tamilee webbs i want those abs? How different is the ab hits from i want those abs can anyone compare the two for me I have been using i want those abs and find the tape pretty effective what about ab hits, is the tape effective and how many times do you guys use it (i do abs every other day)

I second Connie's emotion, especially the DVD version. With the number of ab workouts included on it, and on DVD the ease with which you can scoot from segment to segment to customize your own ab workout, you almost feel guilty paying as relatively little as you pay for it. Have never owned or previewed Webb's I Want Those Abs, however, so I cannot compare.

Always The Cathe Monogamist
If you can afford both, that would be my vote. I have, use, and love Tamilee's "I Want Those Abs". There are some very good exercises, some that Cathe even does in the Intensity Series. IWTA really hits the lower segments of the rectus nicely, as well as the obliques.

Tamilee is one of the few instructors in the industry who actually has a Masters Degree in exercise science, and it shows in her presentation. She gets the job done!

I actually sold my Tamilee I Want Those Abs. I found Cathe's 10 minute ab workouts on Ab Hits to be so much better!! Tamilee's is 2 -15 ab workouts. The second section is harder than the first. The first is mostly crunches and a few side bends for the obliques. But there are rests in the workout where Cathe just keeps crunching for the whole workout. Ab Hits has quite a few Plank workouts in it. The ab routine from CTX kickboxing is one of my favorite routines. I am really happy with Ab Hits.

I also got rid of my IWTB DVD. And I LOVE Ab Hits. I think Tamilee goes a little fast on the second segment -- it's hard for me to keep my core stable...
I do not have Tamilee's but have many ab videos including AB Hits. If I were to pick the best and most effective one, Cathe's Ab Hits reigns. This has the most effective workouts and enough variety to need little else.
What about Ab Attack by Trish Muse?

Can anyone compare Ab Hits to Ab Attack? I've been eying(sp?) that workout for forever and just haven't been able to justify buying it. But, if someone from this forum who knows Cathe's workouts can recommend it, that's all I need to hear!!

RE: What about Ab Attack by Trish Muse?

I hate to make you spend money, but I really like that workout. Now you have to have time to work on abs - it is broken into 2 - 30 minute workouts - 1 for abs (some great lower ab work and different exercises that I haven't seen before, along with traditional stuff), and 1 for core strengthening. So as long as you have 30 minutes, it is a great workout.

I got it really cheap on Ya-Ya's on VHS, and then was glad I spent the money!

Happy spending!

RE: What about Ab Attack by Trish Muse?

Thanks, Punky! I am definitely willing to spend the time (and the money) as long as I know it's a quality workout. I've seen Body Management by Trish Muse and it was a good workout to do (especially when I was pregnant, since she is too in the video!).

I'm off to Ya-Ya's to see if anyone ELSE has a copy!

Thanks again,
RE: What about Ab Attack by Trish Muse?

You are welcome - I love spending other people's money. I've seen some people complain about this workout though - too many reps in some places, too long. I guess its a matter of taste and what your focus is.

I hope you like it!

Punky-meister who can spend your money like nobody's business!
RE: What about Ab Attack by Trish Muse?

P.S. Tricia,

If you are looking for specifically ab workouts and for some variety, another one that I absolutely love is Abnatomy. It contains 3 cycles (which could be used as mini workouts as well), with 2 full sets in each cycle. A lot of it is done on/with a stability ball and I find it very effective as well.

Just looking for new ways to spend your money ::)

btw, I love Cathe's Ab Hits as well - don't get me wrong. Lots of bang for your buck with the DVD!

Just get them all!
Where did you get that, Punky?

Abnatomy, I mean...Sounds awesome! Oh, I do have Ab Hits - I just haven't done it much. Do you ever use it as an intense dose of abs, meaning All the routines in one shot? (I'm way too scared of Cathe to try this.....)

It's so funny how we help each other spend our money here on this forum, isn't it? But you know what, think of how much we SAVE people money letting them know what they're getting beforehand.....SO, does that mean we're performing a public service? I THINK SO!!

RE: Where did you get that, Punky?

That's too funny. Yes, we are performing a service. It is true in a way, because I've avoided buying a couple of bad workouts because people complained about them. I recently was curious about the Body-B-Fit workouts they are selling on Ebay, but someone said they were very bad, and I see everyone selling them for $5 on YaYa's, so I'm not that curious! hehe

I got Abnatomy on YaYa's, but you can buy it at Collage I think (if you ever use CKSales in Canada, they have it on sale right now).

I love the ab workout on there.

Happy Spending!
Well after hearing all about Ab hits, I went and order it today. Now I have everything. I even order the cardio hits too! So that makes everything expect waiting for the Body Blast. Can't wait.

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