Ab aids, Ab swing,Ab doer etc... What ave yu got then?


Hi educated crowd,

I am looking for an ab aid, and I have seen an ab contraption, oops!! I mean ab machine on Thane UK called the ab swing and it looks good but I wont know until I have tried it.
You know, some days I am just not in the mood to work my abs on the floor (know whad a mean).

So! my fitness graduates, the question is what have you got? and is it any good? I value your expertise.

Luv Hotchick:+
I have the Ab Doer and it's okay but gives me motion sickness. I would try to watch tv at the same time and felt nauseated after. All that rocking up & down and back & forth. I should have taken a dramamine. :p

I feel like it really doesn't target my muscles very well. Basically, I just throw clothes on it now. I haven't used it in about a year!

Danielle :7
Thanks for your response Danielle,

I can understand this, as I generally have motion sickness,when reading on the buses.
Have you ever tried it without looking at the tv? whilst just listening to music instead. Though I suppose if it is'nt targeting your abs then there is no point.

My DH got the Ab Doer a few years ago and returned it right away. It didn't do anything for him at all and was very boring.

The only Ab aid I have is the AB Dolly. I really like it and it helped me lose 2" off my waist in about a month. I now do it on my non- strength training days for extra ab work. I still get a great work out. Susan
Hi there! Actually, I've never tried it not watching tv...I bet that would help, but I really didn't feel like it was doing anything for me. It just seemed too easy and yes, it did seem very boring also.

Danielle :7

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