AAFA Group cert exam


Have any of you taken this exam? I just passed my NASM exam for CPT. The gym I would like to get on at would also like me to get my group certification. The only problem is I would have to take my exam on September 6. Do you think that is enough time to prepare for the exam?

I took and passed the ACE Group Fitness Instructor exam. ACE website It took me about 8 weeks of studying, but I only studied part time. I bet you could do it!

Good luck to you!
I am AAFA and YMCA certified in group fitness. I have a health care background so the anatomy/ physiology, exercise science part was a breeze. The AAFA instructor went over all the information that was going to be on the test and made sure we understood it. I'm sure you will do fine.
The written test was simple, the practical was kind of odd because for part of it we all were demonstrating simultaneously variations of exercise, but we couldn't speak.... for someone who had been teaching Group Exercise for a few years that was disconcerting!!
Good Luck!

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