A work rant redux!


All sweepings, solid or liquid wastes, refuse, and garbage shall be removed in such a manner as to avoid creating a menace to health and as often as necessary or appropriate to maintain the place of employment in a sanitary condition.

Since you are HR tell him that in order to comply with OSHA standards he'll have to either clean up after himself or hire a full time bathroom attendant. If that doesn't work maybe a "surprise" visit from an OSHA inspector is warranted. ;)
Hi Laura

Is this the same boss who is grossly overweight, drinks lots of Pepsi but doesn't eat anything all day?

I know you said you like the boss and all, but personally I don't know how you have managed to put up with him. I wouldn't be able to especially if I had hold it till lunch time cuz of his inconsiderate pigstyle.

Hm.. wonder if this could be considered a hostile working environment?

>All sweepings, solid or liquid wastes, refuse, and garbage
>shall be removed in such a manner as to avoid creating a
>menace to health and as often as necessary or appropriate to
>maintain the place of employment in a sanitary condition.
>Since you are HR tell him that in order to comply with OSHA
>standards he'll have to either clean up after himself or hire
>a full time bathroom attendant. If that doesn't work maybe a
>"surprise" visit from an OSHA inspector is warranted. ;)

Oh lordy, that is just perfect! Thank you so much! Considering this is muni govmt I'm thinking this might just get his attention....

Penny, he really is an OK guy & he treats employees very well. He's just a slob & for some reason he cultivates this image, he thinks it's endearing. He has no class & it's partially inentional.

But if I ever hurt, or need something, or am feeling down, or am frustrated, or need to rant, he's there for me. Sometimes you have to do a cost/benefit analysis in these situations & no matter how mad someone makes you, if you know that someone cares about you there's gotta be some flexibility, you know?

So I come here & vent, & get great advice! :)
>Oh lordy, that is just perfect! Thank you so much!
>Considering this is muni govmt I'm thinking this might just
>get his attention....

No problem. Glad I could help! I actually had to copy and paste the sanitation guidelines a few weeks ago when our water was out from 9:15 am until 4:30 p.m. and they didn't shut down our office of 100+ employees. No running water = no flushing toilets and NO HAND WASHING! Eww! Although they wouldn't let us go home, after about 4 hours they did allow us to leave and run to the local gas station (or for me since I live so close I just ran home) whenever the urge came. Believe me it wasn't a pretty sight and the best thing was our CFO had to fill each toilet's tank with water they bought from Kroger to flush them around 4:00 as the smell got so bad! I think after seeing the aftermath of 20 NASTY (and I do mean just utterly funky!) toilets he'll be letting us leave for the day if it happens again. Serves him right ;)

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