A work rant redux!


I just can't take this anymore. Once again my boss, first thing in the morning, sprinkled all over the seat in our co-ed bathroom.

Before I was annoyed, now I'm pi$$ed! (no pun intended, I'm really on fire here!) How disgusting! How very inconsiderate! WTH makes him think that just b/c he's the boss he can make workplace conditions d*mn near intolerable b/c none of the women here are comfortable using the bathroom?

Now personally I do like my boss, this happens to be one of my biggest pet peeves about him. It's so totally rude & classless. I am seriously considering contacting a lawyer, I'm so appalled & grossed out. x( Every day I have to hold it in until I can get home for lunch or to the gym just b/c our bathroom is unhygenic & filthy. I've tried talking to him about it but his basic attitude is "I'm the boss, I can do whatever I want."

Am I being a drama queen here, or is this just WRONG WRONG WRONG!?!?!?!?!?
He pees on the seat? Does he not put the seat up? That's the most disgusting thing EVER!

I don't think you're being a drama queen. Why on earth should you have to either (a) clean up his mess in order to use the facilities or (b) hold it until you can go somewhere that isn't vile? That's completely unfair.

And his basic attitude sucks. It's not HIS rest room. Everyone has to use it. Ugh.
Correct. And it's not a little sprinkling either. It's like he pees all over the GD seat.

I think I'm gonna have a little chat w/him later today. I need to tell him I'm not the only one it offends (for some reason he's amused when he offends me) and that if he keeps it up his laziness is gonna cost him more than he might think.
That's horrifying. But I can relate. I used to work at a very small newspaper with a co-ed bathroom, and it was aweful. It was a "one-seater" so there was only one option, and I lived 30 minutes from work, so I couldn't go home to pee. And to boot, we had a reporter that would have his coffee and newspaper time every morning in there every morning and really funk it up. I just put a can of lysol in there and used it when I needed to. Luckily, we didn't have anyone who peed on the seat. That's SOOOOO disgusting. Could you take some lysol wipes or clorox wipes and just wipe up before going? I know you shouldnt have to do that, but if he's not even willing to listen to you, I don't know what else you can do.
Okay, I think you should put on some really great cleaning gloves, get some heavy duty paper towels, wipe it up ( gross, I know. I am the mother of boys who still don't know how to get their pee in the toilet, so I'm more used to this) then plant it somewhere in his office where he won't know, but where the smell will start to become obvious. Believe me, after a couple of days it will start to stink. Then, you and a couple of other pissed off women will have to comment on the stench when you go in his office. Then you'll have to innocently comment about how familiar the stench is, kind of like how it smells when, say, there is pee on the toilet in the rest room. Go on about how women can't stand that smell. He's probably too stupid to get it, but maybe he'll get some kind of hint?

I don't know, it's the best I could come up with. Anyway, yes, you should be pissed!!
Um, gross.

Laura--his attitude about this is what I think is actually the grossest part of all. I completely agree with you and how you're feeling. Tell him this has to end now or you'll take legal action against your filthy working environment.

You're wasting your time talking to him again - he's already made it clear what his attitude is. About all you can do is try to clean up the other bathroom and use that one. Either that, or take some Lysol wipes into the can and wipe his stuff off of it. It's not worth getting upset over because he's not going to change.
Someone at my work was pissing all over the seat and it wasn't until it was brung up in a meeting, that "whoever is pissing all over the seat quit it!" It stopped from that point and the guy later left and gee no more pee all over the seat. I think it was a weird power or fetish thing because it was like he was purposly getting it all over the seat.

You could make him feel like a real ass if you make a sign and display it above the toilet stating: DON'T PISS ON THE SEAT! or WIPE UP AFTER YOURSELF?


If you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweety and wipe the seaty.

Maybe he is parinod of touching the seat to lift it up??

I wouldn't put up with it!

Hmmmm maybe next time he does it I'll tell everyone to leave it alone until the next time council meets. Then I'll let them deal w/it. }(

I think it is a power thing. I think he enjoys leaving his waste all over & then making his well-educated, experienced & dedicated employees clean it up.

Dawn, would you believe I've put up 2 signs & he tore both of them down & threw them out? The man is such a disgusting slob.
What about asking him, in a large group setting ideally, if he has a prostate problem or if he's had a vision test lately? Men frequently have a hard time controlling the spray or seeing what their hitting/missing under both circumstances. You'd innocently explain that you're just worried about his health because there couldn't possibly be ANY OTHER reason why so much of his urine misses the target on such a regular basis. Perhaps you could "recall" a close friend or relative with similar symptoms and how they got diagnosed. BTW, he sounds like a pig!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
LauraMax I feel for you. Good Luck. You could also look at it as you would get a mini workout by hovering over the seat each time you go. If you aren't cleaning it up who is? Ughhh. Maybe you could ask his wife if she has to put up with that at home?
>Okay, I think you should put on some really great cleaning
>gloves, get some heavy duty paper towels, wipe it up ( gross,
>I know. I am the mother of boys who still don't know how to
>get their pee in the toilet, so I'm more used to this) then
>plant it somewhere in his office where he won't know, but
>where the smell will start to become obvious.

Maybe leaving the paper towels in a clear plastic bag on his desk, with a note saying that "you left something in the rest room."

I was thinking more of taking a photo of the peed-on seat, blowing it up, and putting making some kind of "Wanted" poster out of it.

But seriously, this guy sounds inconsiderate, unprofessional, and immature. What is he, a wild animal marking his territory? Maybe invite his superior (especially if there is one who is a woman) to the office and time things so she uses the rest room after him?

Could be a stretch-you never know these days--but maybe you could argue this is a form of harrassment?
I have actually considered talking to his wife about it! She's a formal councilmember (that's how they met & she of course had to resign when they started ummmm, a relationship ;-) ). I think she'd tear him a new one if she knew......

Actually what's getting a workout is my esophogas from all the dry heaving I do when I have to use the rest room after him.

Kathryn, I think it could be considered a form of harassment, especially in NJ which has very stringent workplace laws. Something like an "intolerable working environment." I'm no lawyer but since I AM HR I've taken a few seminars on this. After seeing some of the crap people have sued for (one great story about a recovering cocaine addict whose co-worker started cutting up an aspirin in front of him was promptly fired and then sued for harassment) I'm thinking I'd have a slam dunk case against the neanderthal.

But I don't want to go down that road. I just want to be able to pee in peace & relative cleanliness!

ETA: I mentioned it to one of our IT guys this morning, their office is right next to the bathroom. He said hearing it is almost as bad as seeing & smelling it! :eek:
We had a similar problem in our workplace until my boss finally built a men's room during a remodel.

I posted a sign reading "We aim to please, so you aim too, please."

Didn't last long, but it was better.

From a practical perspective, I second the Lysol wipes. From a humor perspective, I recommend some of those toilet training targets they have for little boys :7
Note to self: Do not eat when reading Laura's posts...just in case ;)


Brain cells come & brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
I can't believe you confronted him about this and he still hasn't changed this disgusting behavior! Any normal person would have been completely mortified and straightened up his act.

I love the ideas you've gotten so far }(, but since he obviously doesn't embarrass easily, I think I would probably try approaching his wife first. Good luck!

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face] http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/wavesmile.gif
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
I HAVE THE SAME PROBLEM!!! and he leaves the toilet seat UP! Its a mess in that dang bathroom and clients use it??

We have lysol in there, clorox wipes now, someone stole my bath and body spray already and this week a SIGN is going up in the bathroom to please be considerate of others and wipe the seat down after your done and close the lid :)

Something fun like this in black and white:

COMMUNITY TOILET: Company policy

Please be considerate of others!

1. Wipe down the seat
2. Close the lid
3. Please wash hands

Everyone have a great clean day :)

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