A week of mashed potatoes and beer

RE: Don't worry

>>Why waste my
>time with depression, anger, jealousy
>and other useless, hurtful emotions?

Amy, I think it is you that just gave us comfort with those words to live by. Thank you and again, I'm sorry for your grief. Our prayers are with you.

RE: Don't worry

Just to add another to the theme. Cut yourself some slack. We all do what we can. Life is too short to beat ourselves up like we do. My sincerest condolences. Be well.
RE: Don't worry

Hi Amy, just wanted say how sorry I am about your dad. Please do not get down on yourself for mashed potatoes and beer. Do what you need to do right now to get through this. Grief is hard to deal with and loss is very hard to accept. I still have both my parents and will indeed give them each a big hug when I see them, which is not often enough when I read something like this. They live 3 hours away and it's hard to visit often, but they are both turning 70 this year and reading your post makes me realize how lucky I am and that they should be a priority right now. Take care, my prayers are with you and your family. Mary

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