A weakling getting ready for vacation


I've been working a lot more this year, and although it's been good for my career, it's been awful for my social life and for my body. Frankly, I have become rather weak. I tried Push Pull 2 weeks ago and actually had DOMS for an entire week, which I've never had before. And I tried it because I thought it was an easy workout! I now have just a few weeks until my Alaskan cruise and I have to get into good enough shape to hike the glaciers and cycle up hills while still working long hours at work.

I used to love to do PS or S&H 5-6 days per week, but that all seems like a dream to me now. What do you educated people suggest? How about if I do 1 or 2 songs from PH each day after work? I can do the whole workout a second time on the weekend, so that would be twice per week. Endurance is probably all I need for the trip, and heavy weights hurt my lower back these days.

I'll also try to get cardio in twice per week. I better take it slow though. I just can't afford another week of DOMs! :eek:

Has anyone else fallen into disrepair? I'm actually afraid of my vacation. :-(

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