A regular work out schedule


I see many of you have a fixed schedule (rotation). Is it really better for you/ work better? I don't make any rotation schedule for myself. I work on cardio or weight training depending on my mood and muscle, and sometimes I even pick a workout DVD because I haven't done that one for a while (I didn't want it to feel left out:D )
it's better for me b/c it helps me reach whatever goals i have set whether is be more muscle in upper body or cardio endurance. its not a set in stone as life happens so i leave room open to be able to swtich around easily but pretty try to stay with the rotation to make sure i am doing the right thing for my goal. once in a while i will pick a workout just for the heck of it if i am in a slump usually something easy but still enough to get a workout.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I started a rotation because it worked better for me. I was doing the same thing you are, but I found that I never really felt like doing the weight lifting dvds and stuck mostly with KPC. I love the kickboxing and would do that all the time if given the choice. A rotation ensure that I get cardio, wieghts, and circuit all in the same week. (Thanks to Angela!!!!):D

I have a 2-year pocket calendar which I've used for about 8 years now to schedule my exercises, and I've kept them all so I can go back & see what I've done. I map out the week in advance IN PENCIL and make changes when needed. So if I have a small weight gain (I weigh myself once a week) I can tell whether I need to kick up the cardio again. It works like magic - when I slack off, I gain 1 or 2 lbs., so I do more intense Cathe cardio plus I'll walk more at work. Calories in, calories out.
Just Do It! :)
If I didn't have a notebook (plain, spiral bound notebook) with my personal rotations in it, I'd never work-out...For the past 3 months, I've written 2 weeks in advance what I'm going to be doing, write notes (weights, extra or less reps/sets) and any changes I made to the "plan" (treadmill instead of taking the dog for a run, kickbox instead of step)...It works quite well, and I can see where I'm lagging...

I plan mine by the week/month. Right now I am doing a three week rotation of slow and heavy with mixed cardio, making sure one day is circuit training. It's actually working well. after this I will plan stuff week to week and then cut slow and heavy back in.

I like to mix things up, but if I don't plan for at least the week ahead, I get all confused and my exercise is haphazard.


It's funny you ask this, DodoMa. Last week I tried for the first time to plan my workouts out, loosely following the November rotation.

I have not done one workout like I said I would!!!! I'm amazing even myself with my refusal to follow the plan I set out. I generally am doing the same type of workout I planned, but a different one than I listed. I'm changing HSTA for HSChallenge, etc.

I'd like to get the benefits of these rotations, but I don't know if I'll ever be able to follow a plan like that. Sigh. Then again, exercise is about having fun for me, not following a plan (like the rest of my life!), so maybe that's why I'm not doing it very well.

It is nice to look at the list and change them around, though. The list on my computer is somehow more thought out than the pile of DVDs on my shelf.
Over the years I have worked it all different ways from absolutely no rotation to following a very specific rotation.

Most times though, I fall somewhere in the middle...I'll set up a schedule outlining the TYPES (cardio, strength, endurance, etc.) of work outs I will do each day but leave the SPECIFIC (Rythmic Step, ME, etc.) work out to be chosen at the last minute.

I did one of Cathe's rotations for the first time last month and LOVED it so I'm doing another one this month. I had a little set back though that has thrown me off in only week 2 of this rotation though so I think I'm going to start it from the beginning tomorrow.

Do what works for you! Whatever helps to motivate you and keep you exercising is what you should do! :)
I started following Cathe's monthly rotations in September with a little help from my friends. It helps to have others doing the same thing, it motivates me. I also figure Cathe knows a lot more than I do about how to put these w/o's together for maximum results so from now on, I'm going to listen to the expert and follow her rotations.

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