a question to those who have more than 2 kids


i have 5 and i don't complain, i don't work outside but i go out a lot in the mornings. when i don't go out i workout in the mornings but when i have to shop or to cook or if one of the kids is ill i try to workout in the evening.
but there r some evenings like 2 days ago when i felt i don't want to workout,in the past week and a half everyone of my kids was ill
the little one(2y5m)started today to feel better no temperature, anyway i felt that i dint have the strength but here comes the tricky question that I'm asking myself and i don't know the answer so I'm asking u Am i really tired or am i just lazy how can i tell is there any trick that i can pull on myself to know the answer thus to handle it well?
do u know what i mean?
i must say that i enjoy workout and i try to work 5 times per week but i always end up with 4 times (i don't work friday&suterday)

i will be happy if someone will answer the question and not ignore

i think i posted in the wrong forum but i dont know how to move it to the right forum :(
Hi Sharona,

I have six children and stay at home. I also do my running around in the morning. There are many times I don't want to exercise for what reason I don't know. Normally I do it anyway. I push through, doing something a little easier or shorter, just to do something. It is hard when our children are sick and other things just keep coming up. A lot of people only workout 4 times a week. You are doing something for yourself. I don't think you are lazy, maybe sometimes just overwhelmed. Sorry not much help. Have a great day.
thank u karen
u helped me. i always thought (and i still do)that if i do a shorter workout or something easy that its not in the plan, i cheat but i see that i must change the way I'm thinking and not be black or white person,"to workout or not to workout that is the question" can change to "to workout light or heavy that is the question" ;-)

thank u
My hat is off to you both I only have 3 my 6 year old twin girls are in school full time I have my 2y 11 month son home and there are days I don't want to work out. I use to pick them up at 3 and home by 4 throw dinner in and work out while dinner is cooking or hubby is grilling but then I am losing out another hour seeing my girls. So starting today I dropped them off and came home and worked out I do not like getting up at 5:30 to get ready to be off by 7:30 to have them in School by 8 (They attend a Charter School) stopped to visit with my grandma for an hour came home to workout and another shower.

Tomorrow I am going to get up and throw my hair up and just take them to school no shower until my workout I never in 30+ years have left my home without a shower.

No way are you lazy we all have days, weeks, months I have to force myself to workout but I want to be and stay fit.

I have 6 kiddos and I work out 6 days per week, but sometimes it ends up being 5 cuz stuff comes up (you know:) ) I do take rest weeks periodically--sometimes after 8 weeks of working out and some after 12 weeks of working out. My body seems to need these.

I think that working out 4X per week is a good thing five kids or not. I can't really answer for you whether you are tired or not. I can see how you would be. But I find that working out gives me more energy for living, so even if I'm tired, I workout, but that's just me. Everyone is different.

Sometimes if I don't feel like working out, I just start doing it anyway and usually by about 10 min into the workout, my feelings have changed and I'm enjoying myself.

Don't feel guilty about this.

Maggie :)
Sharona, I have four kids, all in school, but there are many times my workout plans fall through because my daily schedule is so busy. We can all relate to what you are saying, believe me. :)

Family mealtime is most important to me and I won't sacrifice that for anything so if my day has been jam packed and now it's time to start dinner, working out will wait until the next day. My family comes first in all matter's. And it can be especially draining when you're dealing with sick kids for one or two weeks straight. I've been there. You can't get anything done because they need you. I'm not one to let the TV babysit my sick kids while I go off and tend to other business. I have two teens so they are a different story but the two younger ones still need mom when they're sick.

Cooking, cleaning and laundry are more than a fulltime job for any stay home mother. Count your blessings that you are able to stay home and raise your children and let yourself be tired sometimes and take a day off from working out...or a week. One option on those days when you just don't think you have the energy for exercise is to go for a walk, maybe take the kids with you. You'll get out into the fresh air, the time away from the house and the chores and the ringing telephone do wonder's for me.

Edit-have you considered yoga? I do yoga for relaxation every day.

I only have 4 kids, BUT...I have found that obligations throughout the holidays have inteferred with my workouts. I worried, I stressed, I actually b*tched. Do you know what? I have continued to workout, but fewer times per week and at a little lower intensity and guesss what...my body has responded by looking and feeling better than ever. I can actually see BICEPS, ABS...how'd that happen? I certainly wasn't eating clean.

Don't stress. We all have highs and lows and I think sometimes we just need to "bow down to the body", ie, only do what we feel like doing.
reading all your comments i have 2 things to learn and they r not easy
the first is to exe. even though i don't feel to at least to try every minute counts.
the second one is if i don't exe. that day to feel o.k. with it and not to think "oh u lazy fat thing why don't u exe just sit down and read/iron/do nothing/sleep/ is better? well yes at that day yes its all right not to exe and still feel good about it"

those r 2 hard thing 4me to learn but all of u encouraged me

thank u

Hi Sharona,

Boy can I relate!! I have a four year old daughter, and 2 year old boy/girl twins. I try to workout during the twins afternoon nap, but if the 4 yr.old is too hyper, we do something. (Which doesn't count as exercise, believe me!)

I skimmed down through and didn't read all the replies, but here's what I can say has worked for me.

First: Whatever time you decide to try your workout, I set my timer (it's a kitchen timer) for fifteen minutes. This usually gets me through the warmup and into the first section. If, after 15 minutes, I'm not feeling enthused, I give myself permission to go to the cooldown and be done for the day. That usually means I've done about 20 minutes of exercise. I would also recommend checking out this website that I have found extremely helpful in getting myself onto a good daily routine. It is www.Flylady.net and I absolutely love it. So much encouragement that we Mom's need (although it's not just for Moms.) She says things like, you are not behind. Just jump in where you are. I could really go on and on about her. Between Flylady and Cathe, my life has been turned around!!

Hope that helps - You are not Lazy, You're a Mother!!

Take Care,

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