a question on cardio



Dear Cathe & Readers,
If I want to lose weight fast, are there any types of sepcific cardio workouts i can do?? thanks! gabrielle
Weight Loss

I'm neither answering your question directly or giving you the answer you want to hear. Rapid weight loss is rarely sustained. Successful weight loss, meaning the pounds stay off, means losing 1 to 2 pounds of weight per week. That's what the serious (University quality) research shows time & again.

The thread above yours addresses your question more directly. But your fitness level (including endurance) & time availabilty are factors. Note that weight loss involves more than cardio work. Obviously you want to work at weight loss from both the energy spent (exercise) & energy consumed (eating) sides of the equation.

It also seems that losing the final 5 or 10 pounds is a lot tougher than the first 5, so you're starting point & goal are also a factor.

I realize that I sound curt. You've asked a simple question about a complex challenge. I'm fairly new to this group, & you'll find a lot of resources & support here. So good luck, though you may need more patience than you thought to reach your goals.
Hi Gabrielle!

It is never recommended that you lose more than 1 to 2 pounds of body weight per week. If you lose weight at a rate faster than this, you will most likely be losing the wrong stuff(for instance, bone mass, exceptional amounts of water that lubricate your joints and feed your organs, and vital nutrients---just to name a few).

In your quest to burn off extra body fat at the rate of one to two pounds per week, I would recommend doing the following:

1) Two high intensity cardio workouts per week(some examples: indoor cycling, power step, running).

2) Two lower intensity workouts per week(some examples: step tapes labled moderate to advanced, light jog/walk programs, stationary bike set at level 1, 2, or 3 for 45 minutes.

3) One interval workout per week

4) One to two(total body)strength training workouts

5) One full day off to recover.

Good Luck!
Hi Debra

Dear Debra,
thankyou for responding. Id like to make sure you understand that I was nor am not expecting to lose 5 pounds in one week. I know it takes time, I dont want you to think that I am expecting results in one day!! I was simply wondering if there were any specific workouts that would better my chances of reaching my goals. Again, thanks for responding and if you have any more tips on diet or excersise id love to hear them.
Thanks Cathe

Thanks so much for responding!! I hope I didnt seem like I expected to lose 5 pounds in a week. I already do pure strength 3 times a week and am going to start Step Works today! Ive never done one of your step workouts (they look very chalenging and fun!) so wish me luck!! By the way, what would step works fall under, moderate or intense. For an intense step workout whcih of your do you recomend?? We have most of them so you neednt worry. Whatdo you mean by interval workout? Would Interval Max fit the bill, I would like to try it but Im a little nervous as I am sort of inexpierienced. Thanks again!! Say hi to Eric for me! gabrielle
Step Works

Hi Gabrielle!

I'm not Cathe, but I thought I'd just jump in and give you my opinion of "Step Works." It is probably one of Cathe's most intense, fastest-moving workouts. The third session is very intense! In fact, I rate it as one of the toughest videos ever.

"Wedding Tape" or "Step Heat" are two Cathe videos that I would consider Intermediate to Advanced. But they are challenging nevertheless.
thanks amy!

amy- thanks for your opinion. i tried it yesterday! oh my god!! it look like fun but it is way to complicated for me! whats your opinion on intervalmax?
Interval Max

I think that "Interval Max" is more easily done with modifications than "Step Works" and contains more basic choreography at a little slower pace.
Cathe shows modifications throughout "Interval Max" and its tempo seems a little slower to me.

If "Interval Max" is performed, however, with no modifications whatsoever, then it is killer.
interval max

hey, you are right. it is a little easier, especially with the modifications. but it is very intense! anything else you recommend?
More Recommendations

I would try "Step Heat" and "Step Jam" for my next videos. Both are a little slower paced. "Step Heat" has less complex choreography and is the shortest of the Cathe workouts that I have tried. "Wedding Tape" is another good choice for intermediate to advanced. It has very basic moves.

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