A Little Scared of the Gym Styles....


x( Dun, Dun, Duuuuunnnnn..... (strike up the scary music..!)

I am always so back and forth when it comes to purchasing the gym styles. My biggest fear comes from getting....dare I say it...tooooo muscular and bulky. If I even look at a weight, I get bulky-------maybe not that extreme, but I do bulk easy.

I wonder if the gym styles are primarily for packing on the Arnold muscles, or can they be used with lighter weights for toning and slenderizing (is that a word?!)

Is there anyone out there that felt like me at one point then did these workouts and were pleasantly surprised by a leeeaaannning out of the muscles? :eek:

Just lookin' for some enabling....as always. Thanks in advance everyone!!!
Hello Rose,

I can't speak for anyone else but I can tell you from my own experience that the Gym Styles is the best set of weight training workout from Cathe collection. It is the one I like to use most often for building strength and getting firming up.

I think it is a myth that women using weights will bulk up, and especially using Cathe's weight training tapes. I don't think they are designed for body building although you could use them that way, but you would have to be very dedicated and go very heavy. I used to have this fear of doing too much weights and looking bulky but since exercising with Cathe weight training, I've learnt that this is not the case at all. I have some muscles, but they are not noticeable at all. I'm firm but I have curves in all the right places - I don't look like Arnie.

I think the most you muscular you can expect to look is like Cathe. I don't train hard enough for that and I always use lighter weight than Cathe.

If you are still not convinced, however, why don't you start with her endurance weight workouts like Muscle Endurance, Power Hour, BodyMaxes, MIS, MM and other circuit style work outs where you use light weights and high reps.

I agree. I've asked a few friends of mine who say they "bulk" what exactly that means to them, just out of curiosity. For one, bulk simply meant she could actually see her muscles, ie. her upper arms had shape, not just lean sticks. For the other, it basically boiled down to more body fat over her muscles b/c weight lifting ramped her appetite and she overate. I don't know what your case is at all, this was simply just an interesting little "survey". I think the GS's are great!
I think the only true muscle building workout of Cathe's is Slow & Heavy. I think the rest are all for strength and endurance. I love the Gym Styles. They are my favorite strength series. I have made tremendous gains in strength with them and I didn't bulk up, though I don't build muscle easily. Of course, everybody's body is different. I go heavier than Cathe on back, shoulders & tris and less than Cathe for biceps and chest. I like the wide variety of exercises she has on these workouts and I always feel a burn from them.

Maybe the image of looking like Arnold in heels is just an irrational fear of mine......;)

I am just so naturally muscular (my mom says when I was born, even at only 5 1/2 lbs, I had bulging deltoids!!!) that I fear getting big. But it sounds like if I keep my weight low, that won't happen.

Thanks ladies as always for the help and insight!:D
I was scared too but they are fantastic. actually, I did the 4 day split Cathe rotation subing the Gym styles for slow and heavy and I was so surprised at my strength gains and the definition I got.

I just used the shorter pre-mixes because I'm short on time and also my body just doesn't need the entire workout.

I loved this rotation so much and I'm thinking of doing it again, but just as I'm ready to start again,I look at all my other Cathe workouts and miss them.;-)
I do notice when I do Gym Styles more often my muscles get quite defined. Cathe seems to be bigger in these videos but I don't know if that is from the training she did at the gym to get ready for the workouts or from the workouts themselves. I don't know if I'll ever work up to the weight she uses in the video or if I'll be able to do 72 push-ups in a row like her. If I get to that point, I might be large but I could defintely kick some butt:)


Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.
-Earl of Derby-

I constantly use the GS upper body. I like the variety and kinds of exercises Cathe does. I never get bored with them. I am certainly not bulky !

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