A little bit about ourselves..


Hi Everyone,
I don't know, maybe you guys have done this before but I figured it would be nice to tell a little bit about ourselves.
I have all these faces to names but sometimes someones age or childens age will come up and I have to total rearrange my picture of someone.
So here goes I will start:
I am 24 years old.I have a 6 year old daughter.I have been married for 1 year now.Not to my babies father.We are now thinking about having a child.
I am a hairstylist.I live in Canada.Just bought a new house 9 monthes ago.I think that is about it.Besides for personel features but we don't need to go that far, do we?
Anyway, I thought that it would be nice.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-15-02 AT 08:20PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Lori!
I am 36 yrs old...male, which is a rarity on this site! I have been married 12 yrs now and reside in Arnold, Maryland with my wife Michelle, our 15 yr old son Matthew, our 22 month old son Brandon, a 3 yr. old yellow lab named Jack....and a bunch of tropical fish.
I work for a major chemical company here in Maryland in the technical service group.
My hobbies are working out, rollerblading and mountain biking. I also enjoy doing home projects(we live at Home Depot), messing with computers,playing with my kids, and following the Pittsburgh Steelers, Baltimore Orioles, Washington Capitals....and last but certainly not least......Jeff Gordon of NASCAR-----GOOOO 24!!!!!! LOL!!
Trevor :) :-jumpy
Trevor, did you find it difficult getting back into the baby stage? My daugther (Jayna) is 6 and I am wondering how difficult it is going.I had her when I was young so really I should only be having children now
Oh, my husbands name is Dave and I have a dog.Germen Shepperd/Dobermen cross.Thinks he's a cat.
I'm almost 53, am a history & Beatles buff, love to watch news channels on TV, and Chuck Norris re-runs on Friday afternoon, plus DR. PHIL every day. Back when I was MUCH younger, and I made the time to do it, I read a lot about Will Rogers, Harry Truman, and FDR. Now I read fitness magazines. I think I fried my brain when I got a bachelor's degree when I was 45, and never read that much since then.

In May I was certified as an ACE Personal Trainer, and as a Golf Conditioning Specialist, and I'm now trying to learn how to play golf from my son, the golf pro. My day job is as an executive assistant at a church in Tallmadge, OH, and I just started to take clients part time as a personal trainer at the local Y. I hope to finance my retirement years with income as a personal trainer, and not at Wal Mart passing out shopping carts.

I have two sons, 29& 30 (the youngest is a graphic artist), have been divorced twice (both times to alcolholics - I KNOW what Dr. Phil would say NOW) and have a significant other.

That's quite enough for now, other than my remaining life goals (now that I've seen Paul McCartney in concert!) are to be on Jeopardy and go to the UK with my father.

Just Do It! :)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-02 AT 07:26AM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-02 AT 07:13 AM (Est)[/font]


Before the really interesting people check in I will add my details.

I am 35, 36 in January single no children living with my parents and sister. I am of Afro Caribbean descent in London my father when applying for his British passport found out about our family history (shared with Pennant family). I have two brothers and sister and 1 half sister and brother living in Jamacia.

I work as a Personal Assistant for a government regulator, I got into fitness after years of being overweight reached goal then put most of it back on and then some when my health deterioriated. My health is good although I have a kidney condition which makes me very tired at times and fibriods (3 removed 2 years ago). Just in case you didn't guess I'm a talker.

Ambitions to marry (one day) I would love to visit the Sahara at the moment I am watching Michael Palin's adventures out there on BBC, to write I used to when I was younger and having travelled to America 3 times I would love to explore more of the US.

My greatest achievement reaching my 30's and enjoying life I suffered from depression when I was younger and suicidal. Inspiration Jane Eyre (yes the book) I love the fact that she refused to comprise she wanted to be loved for herself and she knew she was worth it a lesson so many women I know (including myself) find hard to learn but when you do wow what a difference it makes.

OK, here are my humble facts:
I am am a 41 year old ( almost 42) happily married (19 years) lady with 4 children ages: 17 female, 15 male, 11 female and 9 male.

My kids are very much into competitive sports (hockey & swimming & cheerleading), which means we spend most weekends splitting our time between who watches which kid in what city!

My husband & I feel blessed to have such busy lives, but also make it a priority to have regular dates with out kids. We like to travle alone, with out kids at least annually.

Exercise has always been a part of our lives. For fun I play tennis. And, in the last couple of years I have tried to golf. Cathe videos are my favorite way to get in regular workouts!

Live by the golden rule: treat others as yourself :)
Hi Lori!
I think it's been pretty easy getting back into the "baby" thing again. The hardest part for us has been that I really think our oldest has felt left out and perhaps jealous at times. It's understandable....he's had basically 14 yrs of having all our attention and now Brandon is hogging alot of it. But....he is 15 now so I feel he should be able to handle it.....and he does a good job.
Another thing that's hard is that Brandon has a humongous energy level.......he's like the Energizer Bunny times 10!! :) Last night for instance....I caught him dumping a bag of Fritos into the air conditioning vent in the living room. So...while I was cleaning that up he runs into the kitchen and grabs a marker off the table and draws all over one of our kitchen chairs. He's having to learn "no" and is not enjoying it at all!! lol! I think he likes to watch me run like crazy quite frankly. But he's actually got pretty good manners for such a young child. He says "please", "sorry", and "thank you" pretty regularly. Watching him develop in that regard has been a pure joy!! :)
Trevor :) :-jumpy
GO 24!!!!!!!!!
oh my God Trevor.I am almost certain that if I have anyomre kids they are going to be exactly like yours.Only for the simple reason that I think the child will be alot like Dave and he DOES NOT know how to keep still.My sister likes to refer to him as A FLY ON ACID.SO, you can only imgine how crazy that would be.
We went to Wal-mart last night and my daughter wanted to get the Twister game.Dave said yeah but then we are going to have to playing twister with you ALL the time and she said yeah well there is no one else to play it with.I feel so bad for her at times but even if we have a child soon it will be of no benefit to her when it comes to playing.But I think that there will be a big enough age gap there that they may not fight as much.We have been putting it off b/c off this and then b/c of that.There will always be a reason to wait a little bit longer.But I haven't been taking any birthcontrol for over a year now and nothing as happened.Crazy.When I was 17 though,I thought it was pretty easy to get pregnat b/c I did.
I will shut up now.
Just the facts, ma'am . . .

I turned 41 in July, and have been married to a guy who treats me like one of Zsa Zsa Gabor's poodles since May 1995. No children by choice. I live in the Twin Cities Minnesota area, and work as a paralegal in the area of misdemeanor domestic violence crimes prosecution. (That gig may end at the end of the year as the funding for my position dried up, although many potent forces are working to save my and my colleagues' jobs as I write this.) I am a very part-time water aerobics instructor (2 classes per week), certified through ACE since Feb. 1997, and absolutely adore aqua and my own Wed.-Sat. Aquajocks. I'm a sober alcoholic (dry date July 20, 1987 - not that I'm keeping track) and, with the help of La Cathe and the people here, am a devoted exerciser and recovering couch potato.

5'3", short dark hair, still have most of my teeth, hair getting a touch of silver.

That's it -

Annette Q. Aquajock
Hi all,
I am 37, have been married almost 16 years have 4 kids, 12 boy, 11 girl, 7 boy, 5 girl. I have been working out since doing every sport in highschool. I have been using Cathe videos for 2 years and love them. I also swim and run. I love to crosstrain. I am going through a tough time with injuries the last few months. I am nursing a bum knee--I thought it was the running but it just might be...(I can barely bring myself to say it)..stepping! I can't bring myself to rest enough for it to completely heal. I am thinking of getting a bike trainer so that I can spin at home. I was to do this weeks ago but Cathe keeps calling my name! Anyway, my goals are to be fit enough to keep up with my grandkids someday. I homeschool my younger kids and am active in my church. I have a 1 1/2 year old dog named Jake who is my buddy and who I love to run with. I love all kinds of music. I enjoy reading the forums and have learned a ton from hearing what other people do to stay fit. Have a great day. Janet
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-02 AT 08:52AM (Est)[/font][p]Hey, tooks off to you! This is really fun to read. Hope I can keep you all awake.

My real name is Julie. I just had a BALL (medicine ball) turning 40 this summer. I have FOUR count'em four kids all with my sweetie DH that I've been "yoked" to for 18 (?) years. Boy Andy 17, Boy Matt 15 (this one's learning to drive, heaven help me!), Boy Jackson 13 and finally GIRL :-jumpy Laura age 6. Laura was born with a very rare liver protein deficiency and will be needing a liver transplant at some point in her life. Don't feel sorry for her, she is the bravest little thing on the planet. Looking at her you would never guess anything is wrong. She appears very healthy/normal. ;-)

I am doggedly becoming the best possible painter that I can be. (Talk about a late bloomer.) After having my latest portrait (of my 13 y.o. son) rejected out of 3 juried shows, I just won "Best of Show" in an exhibit judged by a distinguished artist who has all kinds of kudos in his career. I was absolutely shell-shocked. I still can't get over it, there were some excellent paintings in that show and he picked ME:eek:. I guess life begins at 40, eh?

I live in Minnesota I am excited to the MOON about the upcoming release of "The Two Towers", I like to cross-country ski. We have a cabin that we visit on weekends.

Last but not least I LOVE working out with Cathe. Exercise, for me, is a total "tonic" for everything that goes on in our lives.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-02 AT 08:49AM (Est)[/font][p]Annette's being humble: she has "Cathe arms". I saw 'em at her aqua class, they're awesome!
What a great idea!

I will be 38 yrs. old on Halloween. I am married to a wonderful man and have 2 great children (15 yr. old son & 9 yr. old daughter). I have a B.S. in Biology, a M.A. in Pastoral Ministry (kind of a cross between social work and theology), and a B.S. in Nursing.

I became interested in fitness in HS, battling weight and ED problems and have always wanted to work in fitness but had some personal roadblocks that took me in other directions. In February a friend and I became AFAA certified personal trainers and I am now making the transition I have always dreamed of.

Currently I am working as a nurse and plan to gradually decrease those hours as my Personal Training career gets started. My nursing specialty is Pediatric Oncology. I hesitated to add this since it often makes people uncomfortable, but my experiences with these wonderful kids and their families have had such a shaping force in who I am that you couldn't truly get a sense of me without knowing that.

As for my fitness life, I love to run and use the elliptical machine for my cardio. In the early 90's I taught aerobics classes in a church basement a la Jane Fonda, leg warmers and all! I recently started teaching again 2 mornings a week.

I started weight training about 3 yrs. ago in a Body Pump class and became hooked when I saw changes in 3 months that I had not achieved in 15 yrs. with cardio alone. I now train with the "big weights" three days a week and do body pump as one of the classes I teach.

Okay, here's my true confession, PLEEEAAASE don't slam me. I kind of discovered this site by accident. I've never even seen a Cathe tape! However, I'm actually a member at Four Seasons and my own trainer is Steve from Cathe's videos!!!! I promise to get to a class soon so I can earn my right to post on the board! How amazing to have been this close to celebrity for two years and not known it!

I've taken up more than my share of space for a Cathe neophyte, so I'll sign off now and try to catch a class.

Yours in Fitness,
My turn. I am 59, hitting 60 in a few months, divorced, with two wonderful kids aged 33 (DD) and 30 (DD). Both are in helping professions and making their mom really proud. Had breast cancer 4 years ago, which you would think would make me change my habits, but it wasn't until last year that I got serious about fitness, after discovering exercise videos. I am a Human Resources Manager, but because I work for a small firm also do all our production work, graphics, editing, etc. Up until this year I have done art in my spare time--paper making, book making, printing, silkscreening, etc. However, exercising and getting fit has taken presidence (sp?) this year, and I have been really focused. I've lost over 24 pounds and 24 inches; still have a ways to go. I am generally a lurker, sometimes a participant here. Found out about Cathe, have most of her strength tapes, but stepping is out because of back problems. Lately I've finally settled into a routine I like with CTX upper body and leaner legs, and kickboxing. I am not an aerobics fan, but do love power walking, which I've gotten pretty good at thanks to honeybunch's suggestions about using audio tapes to up my speed.

I very much enjoy reading people's comments and advice, and I thank all of you...as you have helped me this year without knowing it...you can take credit for much of my perserverence and successes.

Susan, I'd love to know more about your art making. I hope you find a way to use it as medative therapy as I have.

Well, I am 39, turning the dreaded 40 in June. I have been exercising and working out for about the last 8 years. I just started doing Cathe about 1-1 1/2 years ago. I still have that dreaded last 10 lbs. to lose. I have a girl who is 14, and a son who is 16. My daughter has been a REAL challenge this year. I was divorced from their father, and have been married to my soul mate for the last 7 years. I work in the factory at Steelcase, an office furniture company. They offered a voluntary lay-off, and I took it. I do not have to go back until 1/20. I also am a Premier Designs Jeweler, which is my real passion. I have been doing this for about 1 1/2 years. It has allowed me to do part-time at Steelcase now, and I hope to quit in 2003, even if it is Dec. 31!!!

This is the best forum with the nicest people I have ever been on. I can not wait for the Intensity Series!!!!
Lori S.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-16-02 AT 09:28AM (Est)[/font][p]Well, this message may put you to sleep. I just turned 27 last month and have been married to my husband for the past 5 wonderful years. We were high school sweethearts and dated for 5 years before tying the knot. He wanted to finish college first. Good choice. We live in Kentucky and bought our first house 2 years ago.

Almost 4 months ago I gave birth to our first child, Alexander. He of course is the apple of our eye and is spoiled rotten by his grandparents, who think they had to wait too long to get a grandchild. We also have another "child", a cocker spaniel named Sadie. Sadie and Alexander both get along great. Sadie thinks that he is part hers and all she wants to do is lick him. Also when he is crying she brings her ball over to try to cheer him up. It is quite comical.

My hobbies consist of exercising, I have 7 more pounds to lose, working on my family tree, and drawing.

I hope I have not bored you too much. This was a great idea.
Let's see, I'm 43 years old (44 on the 4th of Nov.-is that a double golden?) I have two girls-20 and 17. I'm married to a great guy. I'm a City Clerk (I'll be glad when elections are done), I live in Minnesota (we are suppose to get snow tomorrow-I'm not ready for that). I've been working out (cardio) since about 19 but just started weights about 9 months ago (thanks to Cathe).


P.S. Amedeus-Do you ever show your paintings at White Bear Days on Thursdays in the summer?
Hi Everyone! What a great idea Lori!
I'm Cathy. I'm 27 years old, live in NJ with my hubby of 8 years and 3 kids - twin boys, 8, and an almost 3 year old boy. I have my BS in nursing and work part time nights as a Labor and Delivery nurse.
I have been exercising for years but have gotten more serious over the past year. I started out with Firms and have added Cathe over the past 8 months which I LOVE! I have seen a big improvement since incorporating more strength training into my routine. Though I'm heavier now (132lb at 5'7"), I have more muscle :). The diet though, now that is a constant battle!! I just love chocolate. I've been using Fitday and it really helps.
I don't have much time for hobbies other than exercise. But, I do enjoy scrapbooking, dancing, reading and drawing.
Nice to meet you all!

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