A-Jock, Thank you:)


HI A-Jock,
I hope you find this:)- I just wanted to thank you for the Gauntlet Mish Mosh. Did it this am with Imax 1 and BC#8 before it. WOW!! What a workout! I really enjoyed it. I used the mix and max feature with Gauntlet so I could see what comes next. Boy was I happy half way thru, when I didn't think I would make it along comes Imax 2's #10 segment and the music got me right back in there!!:)
Thanks for thinking up those mish moshes! keep them comin'!
You did all of Imax AND all of the Gauntlet's cardio??

Please tell me I have this wrong. If I do not, then I must ask - what planet are you from??

Kudos to you!!

(And isn't A-Jock the best??)
OH MY GOD-NO!!! Just Imax 1 warm up and cardio and blast #1, BC#8 cardio only and Gauntlet cardio only. I think you'd have to scrape me up off the floor if I did all Imax and Gauntlet!!:)


(And yes she is the best and I love her mish moshes!!)
Hey, Beano - SCARED YA, DIDN'T SHE?!}( }( }( }( }(

Deanie - glad you liked one of my patented Gauntlet mish-moshes. Yesterday morning I myself did a cardio-only version of my Satan's Mish-Mosh (including the IM1 warm-up, the Body Max power circuit step cardio only, Boot Camp blast 8, the Gauntlet cardio intervals and IM2 blasts 2, 5, 8, 10 and the Demonic Number Nine), and I found my workout tonight (my own tormented re-rendering of Circuit Max) just a tad . . . shall we say . . .


If you're interested in some of my other mish-moshes, just do a search on the Open Discussion forum with "mish-mosh" or "mish" in the Advanced Search Subject Only, and plenty of my distorted creations will pop up.

The Gauntlet is one of the workouts on the Terminator DVD. It was made by combining One Imax 2 interval + one Boot Camp lower body + one Cardio & Weights compound weights + one Boot Camp upper body + one Boot camp cardio..... Then repeat this pattern 7 times doing different exercises each time. It's a great workout and one of my favorites.

Okay A-Jock,
I did my search, and hit the motherload!! I printed out a compendium from a thread and I am going to do the Hardcore Ultra Cardio Variation tomorrow instead of the elliptical. I don't know how you come up with these!!- but- you go girl!! Very impressed you can do these mish moshes 2 days in a row.:)
Just for future reference (spelling?) for some kickbox mish moshes, where do the cardio kicks power drills start? That is one of the workouts I have on VHS. I'm thinking they are the drills after the cardio part.(?)till the end(?) After reading all these mish moshes I realized I need to start switching my vhs to dvd so I can do alot of these, or become best friends with my fast forward button on the remote:D
PS I'm at the end of week 3 and loving my split sets rotation!-definately seeing definition and strength gains.
Hi, Deanie! Sorry it took me so long to respond; I've been in Tallahassee visiting Da Fam since Friday and only now have I taken a moment to log onto my stepmother's computer. (And, just in passing, I have THE GREATEST stepmother in the world.)

Re the Cardio Kicks power drills, you're right: they are after the kickbox-flavored floor cardio. They begin with the dreaded sequential power kicks, move on to ice breakers, upper body punches and power jumps, squats and roundhouse kicks, and then finish off with targeted punching drills. The entire segment is almost precisely 15 minutes.

I totally, totally encourage you to make the leap to DVD for that particular workout, with Circuit Max as its companion workout. It was just about perfect the first time I stitched the CK power drills onto the the end of the cardio-resistance cycles of C-max.

When you make the switch to an All-DVD Cathe collection, you'll blow the roof of your cardio capacity, because the time it takes to switch among workouts is so short and your heart rate doesn't have time to tank. Plus, vids don't have premixes. As you know.


(BTW, make sure you read the above with a Southern accent.)

Hope you had (or are having) a great visit with your family.

I did the hardcore ultimate cardio variation the other day and
I know this is whimpy but after Imax 3 blasts only, I was happy I only had a one disc player!!:) Used the switching time to drink some water and catch my breath!! I would love to get the rest of the dvds I need to round out my collection and a 5 disc player but on one income (my husbands) I have to watch my P's and Q's. I figure for the holidays that will be my big gift!(I hope I can wait- I'm an immediate gratification person!):p I'm thinking I will just replace the cardio tapes into dvd.(I have body blast, intensity and hardcore series and HSTA in dvd, so I'm 1/2 way there.)

Anyway, thanks for your help and mish moshes. When I am done this rotation I was going to do it again, but I really liked S&H (this was my first time doing it) and am going to do a 3 week rotation of it, using mishmoshes as cardio days inbetween. They really challenge me and change things up.:)

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