A good pilates DVD?


I have the MTV pilates mix, which I love. I also have Kathy Smith's pilates for abs & Hillary Burnett's advanced pilates. I hate them both. They're too short & I don't feel like I'm getting any kind of a workout whatsoever. By the end of the 2nd segment of the MTV DVD my abs are feeling the heat. That's what I'm looking for. Any suggestions?
Hi Maximus,
I was injured 6 weeks ago in a hiking accident and am unable to do any cardio of any kind or lower body work except for Pilates type moves. I purchased Winsor Pilates just for some type of workout. I really like her "Sculpted Buns and Thighs" workout. It is short, but whew, my booty was burning when I was done. I have modified however by adding ankle weights after I noticed the workout wasn't such a challenge anymore. I am now up to 3# on each leg.

I also purchased her ab workout and I find it quite challenging. Again it is short, but my abs are on fire when I am done.

I have an old "Method" Pilates tape with Jennifer Kries and that just seems to easy now that I have done Winsor for sooooooooo long. I also purchased a Stott DVD, but I really don't care for it.

I hope this helps,

Hey Maximus,

Mari Winsor's workouts are very good, but she can be a little annoying. Stott Pilates is very good as well as far as teaching proper form, but they are kind of boring. I'd go with Winsor- I think they are having some kind of $10 special right now.
Hi Maximus :) I've just recently picked up a DVD, "Rael Pilates 17" and have only previewed it so far, but it looks just wonderful. The instruction is impeccable...clocks in at around 40 minutes. This one is supposed to be at the intermediate level (there is a Rael 7 and Rael 27 as well, the numbers referring to the number of Pilates poses in the workout. Rael is the guy teaching the workouts).
Thanks everyone for the recommendations. TerryMia I just ordered the Rael 3 pack--it cost $13 from deepdiscountdvds.com. I've heard really good reviews from other sources so I'm gonna give it a shot.

The MTV mix is really awesome guys--I would strongly recommend it if you want a killer ab workout.
Wow, Maximus, you sure DID get a great deal on the Rael 3-pack! Btw, I just did the Rael 17 this morning and it really is excellent...the moves flow into each other so smoothly...his instruction is great. I'll have to give the MTV Pilates mix a try...I've got MTV Power Yoga and really like it. :)
I don't have MTV Pilates Mix, but I have MTV Pilates which I
really like. I also have both of the Winsor Buns & Thighs
videos, one of them uses a band. And I recently got 10
minute solution pilates, which contains 5 10 minute segments,
one for abs, lower body, upper body (w/lt wts), total body,
and flexibility. The abs one is my favorite, I really feel
the fire in there.
There is also an excellent workout by Tom McCook called Combining Yoga and Pilates for Balance. It is like being in a Power Yoga class and Pilates class combined. It makes me feel like I fit both my yoga and pilates class in one session.

I also love Romana's Pilates: Powerhouse Mat, but I am not sure you will like that one because there is no attempt to "modernize" it. Romana is one of Joseph Pilates original disciples and she makes this a no nonsense, fast-paced program without music. ("Joseph wanted you to listen to your body not music.") It is a good workout though.

I find most of the Mat Pilates DVDs and videos available aren't as challenging as a real class. I prefer to do mostly Reformer Pilates and have almost every tape/DVD available on the market.

I hope I helped.
Robin :)
I have the Mary Winsor advance body sculpting and it is great, just to give you another idea, I also love the Lotte Berk method and the bar method, they seem simple but ther are challenging.
Just so you know, I recently discovered that Netflix has a bunch of exercise DVDs you can check out. They don't have winsor, but they do have stott and I think rael too.
I have Cathe's Core Max and was wondering if there would be much benefit to purchasing a pilates workout too. I wonder why cathe doesn't have one.


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