A good Laugh


I laughed so hard when this happend. My Hubby prides himself on not doing anything to look goofy. Well last night he did a goodie LOL.
I made him a chocolate cake and he took a piece of it up to our room and for some reason I don't know, he put the plate on the bed and he got busy doing something so when he was done he forgot he put the cake on the bed and proceded to sit down and smashed his cake right on his rump!!!! he jumped up and he backside was covered in cake LOL!! That was about as good as the time he feel into the creek and soaked himself totaly and didn't want to drive the hour home in wet clothes so he drove home in his UNDERWEAR!!! that would have been funny if a cop pulled him over!
Sorry on the second story I just thought of that one and made me smile :)
They do a good job of making fools of themselves,don't they? My husband is usually doing something to make me laugh but its usually on purpose.
One time we were out drinking(this was about 4 years ago) and we would bring our little girl down to my in laws for them to babysit.Most times we would go to their house for all night to so that we would be there when she woke up.
When we got home I went into the bathroom and when I went into the bedroom he wasn't there.He has a big appetite so I figured he was making a snack,I went to bed and went to sleep.
When I woke up in the morning he still wasn't there but his mother found him with his head poking out from in under the bed.So,he wasn't up making a snack the night before, he had really crawled under the bed, was going to scare me when I came out, but he passed out before he had the chance.He woke up sometime during the night,felt unconfortable and managed to poke his head out from under the bed. What a weirdo!
That's so funny! Something similar happened last night to my brother. We had KFC and my little 14 month old nephew was walking around with a chicken leg in his hand. Then he didn't have it anymore and no one knew what he did with it. My brother got up and noticed a pancaked, flat chicken leg on his chair. He picked it up and said, "I thought I was sitting on something!!". He had a big grease spot on the back of his pants! Too funny!!
>so he drove home in his UNDERWEAR!!! that would have been funny if a cop pulled him over!

Just a quick laugh at the coincidence here. This did happen to my friend and I about 10 years ago. She was driving with a drink in the seat with her since she didn't have a cup holder in the car and the bottom fell out of her paper cup. It looked like she wet her pants (and I'm sure she didn't appreciate my hysterical laughter) and she didn't want to drive that way. So we pulled over at a closed store (fairly out of the way) and she took off her pants and grabbed a towel to sit on while we drove the 2 hours home. We saw a car in the distance as we pulled back onto the highway, but didn't think anything of it. Within 2 minutes, she was pulled over and the cop was checking our driver's licenses and background since that store had been robbed twice that month. Well, anyway, she was mortified when she had to explain why she was driving in her underwear and tennis shoes (and of course the top, too!) It's about the only time I have ever seen her embarassed and speechless:eek: :7 It is still so funny to me!

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