A funny/embarrassing exercise moment!!


Hi All,
Just thought I'd share a funny (and embarrassing) exercise moment with you all. I was working out to one of Cathe's step tapes the other day (can't remember which one). I was putting so much effort into my workout that I accidentally f*rted! Not just a little squeaker, but a real, throaty rasper! Just as I was getting my bottom back under control, Cathe said "bet you didn't see that one comin'!". She was obviously talking about the next step move, but it was just so timely considering what I had just done, she might as well have been in the room with me! Anyway, I laughed so much, I nearly added insult to injury by almost wetting myself!
Anyway, I hope you don't all think this is vulgar, I just wanted to share this crazy moment with my fellow fitness enthusiasts! Anyone else have any funny/embarrassing moments?
Kaz~you crack me up! :)
Been there~done that! And what's worse, I guess maybe because I am an early morning exerciser, it never fails to happen to me during ab work (crunches to be exact!) It's so embarrassing when it's so loud that my daughter or husband can hear it through the closed door and over the tv. My daughter will usually shout something like, "Geez mom~could you be any more disgusting?!" and/or hubby will jokingly remark, "uh, you okay in there honey?"
Clearly, this will keep me exercising at home, I could never handle this in public at a gym! :)
RE: Hey, it happens . . .

If you go on the Turnstep bulletin boards for fitness professionals, you'll pull up at least 3 long threads on this very topic! At least it happened to you at home - think of what group fitness instructors and participants have to deal with in a studio class!

My position is: if the duck doesn't quack at least once during a workout, you could be working harder!

RE: P.S. . . .

It happens to me all the time, usually during ab work! My husband never fails to mark the moment.

So funny, Kaz.....I just love the timing! :)

Thanks for the laugh!

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]

I am laughing SO HARD right now!!! Hopefully I don't wake my kids up from their naps! Too funny. Thanks for the laugh.

OK, I am laughing very hard too. I just shared this post with my husband, who laughed and asked if I was going to post my similar situation. So what the heck....I always have this problem when doing high impact step portions and it sometimes gets so bad that my gas keeps beat with the jumps and music. Keeps my husband amused. I guess its the curse of too much healthy eating.
RE: Susan54--Smiley icon

Hi Kim....Glad you like my little weighlifter guy :)!

I got him from http://www.smilies-world.de/Smileys.htm

I like the feeling that lifting weights gives me so I thought he would be a good choice....tho I think he lifts heavier than me from looking at his little thighs :)!

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]

Too, too funny! Thanks for the laugh! I have had this happen to students in my class especially during floor work. Everyone just keeps going as if we never heard a thing! :7 Hey, we're all human, right?

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
This is the funniest thread yet on the Cathe forum! You girls crack me up. I'm glad I work out at home too because I could really embarrass myself in a gym too.

This reminds me of another funny thread that was on the Firm direct forum a few weeks ago. It was the week when everybody was waiting for their new firm kits to ship out. (As you probably know, the FIRM has just put out a new kit that includes a fanny lifter and 3 new videos). Anyway, someone posted "Hey everybody, the ##### are in". (They had just received their kit).

You can only imagine the replies she got for this little typo. Someone replied "if I knew I could buy some ##### for only $89.95 I would have bought them a long time ago". That one cracked me up too. I'll shut up now.

Have a great weekend everybody!
Sorry about that. I didn't realize that was considered a bad word and that the forum would change the letters to pound signs and not let me use that word. Oh well, it was just the slang for breasts that the poster accidently typed instead of "kits".
So sorry - didn't know that was illegal. Oops!

THANK YOU for the laugh! I literally had tears streaming down my face as I tried to read it out loud to my husband.
Me too, Jen!

I, also, was TRYING to read Kaz's thread outloud to my hubby who walked in the room and before I could get thru it all, I was laughing soooo hard and so was he!!! We both had a good laugh!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Even More Embarrassing Moment!!

Hi All,
Ok, at the risk of you all thinking I'm a complete f*rtbag, I've had an even more excruciatingly embarrassing moment today!
I had to go and see my Consultant for a follow-up visit (I have an on-going back problem). He asked me to do a number of exercises, such as lying on my back and straightening one leg in the air, etc (you get the idea). Well, for one of these exercises he was standing behind me as I bent forwards to touch my toes (this is to see how flexible I am through my hamstrings and lower back). Bearing in mind that I was a bit nervous, and only had my undies on, the action of bending forward caused my wayward bowels to emit a bottom burp!
My husband, who accompanied me, just dropped his head into his hands in disgust!
I was MORTIFIED! The Consultant just made some joke about this being the first time one of his patients had done this in his face, but I think he was just trying to make me feel better.
I am sat here now, posting this message, and my face is burning again at the very thought of it! My body is rebelling against me!
I think I may need to change my user name to "windy willowe"!
RE: Even More Embarrassing Moment!!

I swear you need your very own sitcom. You are too funny and thank God because I need a laugh these days.

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