A few questions....


Hi Cathe! I have two questions for you, one could wait, but I know next month you are going to be pleasantly busy. First I want to congratulate you on the upcoming birth of your baby boy! I have two boys (10&7) and boys are wonderful! I wish I had known about you before I had my babies! I only discovered quality videos 4 years ago. I gained 50lbs with each pregnancy. First boy weighed 9lbs 15oz., second boy weighed 11 lbs even. I'm not having any more, the next might weight 13lbs! My point was, I think I wouldn't have struggled with my weight after if I had had your videos at the time. But thanks to Shape mag. and Collage, I'm in the best shape of my life. Enough about me, on to those questions....1.Can the wrong running shoes affect your speed and leg fatigue?2. I have three weeks left in my PS rotation. I was wondering if you could give me some suggestions for a different rotation when I finish this one. I have MIS, a few Firms, BodyMax, Power Max, Interval Max, PS upper body tapes, Intense Moves, and one Kickboxing tape.Also, any new tape you would suggest?Thanks Cathe!Susie-Q

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