a different kind of ab question- can c-sections do permanent damage?


Hi Cathe,

Ever since I had a c-section (my 2nd one) 9 years ago, I have been unable to do anything with my lower abs. I can't make them contract, do reverse crunches, etc. I have been training for several years now and have had no problem training my upper abs, obliques, etc. My trainer had me lie on my back with my legs extended and her hand about 2 inches above my feet. With my palms up, she asked me to try and raise my feet to her hands. Couldn't lift my butt off the ground. Do you think the c-sections caused this to happen, and if so, is there anything I can do at all to train my lower abs. I'm worried that this might compromise my core training as well.

I called my ob/gyn and asked her this same question. The news was not good. A number of c-section patients experience permanent damage to the lower abdominal muscles because of the surgery. Sometimes the muscles regenerate, most of the time they don't. I think after 9 years mine aren't going to if they haven't yet. There is no surgical solution to this either. Also, there is often nerve damage involved.

This is a particular problem for me as I am studying for my personal trainer certification and won't be able to demonstrate this set of exercises to my clients. Also, it definitely will impact the effectiveness of my core training (and my career) not to mention predispose me to lower back pain (oh, great). I know it's certainly not the worse thing to deal with health-wise, but it's still a bummer. The kids were worth it though! .

So now my question to Cathe is this: is there any way possible to compensate for this permanent weakness in my lower abdominal muscles? Are there any exercises I can do that will at least prevent this from compromising my core training? Am I doomed to the weirdness of having very toned upper and mid ab muscles and the little flabby pouch caused by the lack of muscle tone in my lower abs???

I would much appreciate any input.

Am I doomed to the weirdness of having very toned upper and mid ab muscles and the little flabby pouch caused by the lack of muscle tone in my lower abs???

when Cathe was talking about her problem I wasn't sure if this is what she had as well, I guess not from the other answers,but this is what I have. I have a ton of stretch marks so I think a lot of it has to do with saggy skin, but if i do say pikes I only want to do them alone cause my lower abs just fall - very un sexy may I say. I had a c-section and wonder if it's alway going to be like this, so I'm intersted in an answer as well.
I also have stretch marks (from my chest to my thighs) and I know that some of the lower belly pouch can be attributed to stretched skin. I'm very small and I had one very large (for me) baby. But, I know that even if it would not make much difference in my appearance, being able to work my lower abs would at least help me in other areas. Not that I'd miss the pouch, mind you.

Cathe, PLEASE recommend something - if there is anything I can do that will make even a little bit of difference at least in terms of my core I will be grateful to you (even more than I already am) forever!!

Thank you!!!

I would be interested in hearing her answer on this, although I think this might have been addressed somewhat before. I don't think it was exactly the way your describing, I could be wrong. I thought someone said you also have to get down to a certain bodyfat percentage as well as the ab conditioning , however if you can't condition that part of the body at all. Anyway, I'd be interested in what Cathe has to say?
I think it's different when the muscle fiber splits on its own rather than being cut surgically (but I could be wrong). The nerves being involved probably doesn't help either. Anyway, I could lose all my body fat and there still would be nothing there that could be toned as far as anyone can tell me. And I figure if Cathe doesn't know of something that could be done to compensate, it just doesn't exist.....


RE: a different kind of ab question- can c-sections do ...

I had 3 sections. My tummy is Freakish ;( It doesn't help that i'm 5ft tall and very small boned. My tummy is a wrinkley, saggy, stretch-marky mass of yuckiness. That's the joys of motherhood... saggy loose belly and hangy-downy boobies. :D
But I wouldn't do it any other way...(well natural birth would've been nice...but wasn't possible) but I mean...i'd of had them 3 lil darlins again and again without even batting an eye!! :)
RE: a different kind of ab question- can c-sections do ...

I'm definitely with you there!! No regrets.

I'm also 5' tall (with my shoes on)!!

RE: a different kind of ab question- can c-sections do ...

Thank you for that description, I too am short, little over 5' with an emergency c-sect for a very large baby. I suffered nerve damage, you can poke me with a needle all day long in that area and not a thing. Saggy skin filled with fat. I plan on a tummy tuck for my 40th. My friend had hers and her doctor placed stitches in her lower ab muscles to pull them back up where they should be. so there may only be a surgical option at a certain point.
Definitely would do it again without a blink, my son is my light.
I am 49 and had 3 c-sections. My oldest is 29 and my youngest is 15. I have been working out consistently for 15 yrs. both aerobics and weight training. I thought my pooch -lower & upper would always be doomed. However, I now have really good abs that have definition. What I've learned is, it takes time, persistence, ab work, pilates, clean eating and most important, reduced stress (peaceful living).

I took a while for me to put it all together, but I found that if you work hard and eat proper ALL/MOST of the time you will get your abs at least decent. I made sure I worked out for at least a year CONSISTENTLY, and found thats when real changes take place.

So, keep on keeping on, work hard, eat clean, do abs, Cathe (weights/cardio) at least 5days a week and your C Sections abs will change.

I look as if I never had children and I have a bikini cut and have been blessed with no stretch marks.

It sounds like you have worked VERY hard and I admire you for that. I also have been working out at least 5 days per week for at least 3 years alternating cardio, weight training and I added Pilates about a year ago. I eat a low-fat, reasonably healthy diet. My stress level is probably the same as most people managing work/home/kids. I have definition in my abs until you get to my belly button. I am so glad your training regimen worked for you but I have not gotten the same results from mine. I also have a bikini cut and the doc told me that what I have is random, some women still have lower ab muscle tone after a c-section, some don't. It depends on which muscles were cut and which nerves were involved. Maybe you were one of the lucky ones? I'm sure your training regimen had a lot to do with it as well.

Keep up the good work!!
My chiropractor's take on this: Keep doing the lower ab excersises even though you feel like you're doing nothing. Other muscle groups are still being used and one day the lower ab muscles may fire. At any rate, you won't be worse off. Some of the other ab exercises do touch the lower ab muscles as well. So there is hope.


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