A big thanks to previous responders, and of course another question!!!


Hi everyone!! I posted about a month ago that I was frustrated from working out for years w/no noticeable results. You all suggested that I concentrate less on cardio and more on weights. I would just like to say a big thanks b/c I have since purchased more Cathe videos (PUB/PLB, plus the whole Body Blast series) and have concentrated much more on strength training. I'm finally seeing results!! Don't get me wrong--I don't look like a female Ahhhnold or anythingx( , but I'm definitely getting stronger! Yeeeeaaaahhhh:)
But, of course, I have yet another question. I can tell that my core muscles are getting stronger b/c I've really made an effort to "turn it on" as Cathe says during my workouts. I still haven't noticed any real definition in the area, but it actually seems to be "growing". I've always had a relatively small waist (fat stored in lower body:( ) but lately it seems thicker. My weight room has mirrored walls and I looked over yesterday while doing KPC's ab segment, and I noticed that my mid-section was HUGE!! I freaked out at first, but then I rationalized that it was actually all of the muscles just working really hard! I've always wanted a defined mid-section, so I guess that my question is has anyone else experienced this "thickening" effect and if so, does that mean that defined abs are right around the corner? I've tried to really cut fat back in my diet and up the protein, somewhere around 45-35-20, to help it along. It really seems to be happening from the inside out.
Thanks for any replies and thanks again for the previous advice--I was on the verge of a "fitness breakdown" before, but now I'm more motivated than ever!!!!!!1:7 :7 :7
Congrats to you! I remember your previous posts and remember your frustration. I'm thrilled for you & I hope you will see more results soon. As for the thickening question - I can sort of relate. when I began to define my abs, I remember looking at them during crunches and thinking they looked big - eventually, through cardio and more ab work, I began to see the layer of fat above them melt away. I hope that's going to happen to you too! I can't say they are six pack abs - but more defined on the outside and small lines around the mid section - nice. Good luck
I think the thickening effect comes from all the new core work Cathe does, not so much from her traditional abs. I noticed it when I did a lot of the core work from the Intenisty series. Others did too at the time. Especially because Cathe works the obliques so much,. So, I make sure each week to do a mix of trad abs from Ab Hits and newer core work from I Series.

If you are again seeing results, it sounds to me like your newly defined core is just about to reveal itself!

RE: A big thanks to previous responders, and of course ...


I am happy for you!! Keep up the great work.

As for the thickening of the core. I also noticed it when doing the Intensity Series. Like Clare mentioned, doing traditional ab work and the new core work during the week makes a difference. It did for me.

Have a great day!!

Hi Ashley,

I'm so glad you are seeing results. You may want to check out Pilates for slimming the waistline.

Thanks everyone for your replies. I even noticed some pretty obvious tricep definition goin on yesterday!x( The Body Blast series rocks!!! Cathe is my hero!
Are you using any weight to do ab exercises (a medicine ball or dumbbell?). If so, you might want to either reduced the amount of weight, or eliminate it entirely. Sometimes adding a little bit of weight to ab work can be beneficial, but going over that can add size. It may vary from individual to individual, but I think my limit is around 2# on most exercises. If I use heavier medicine balls, after a time I start looking wider in the waist.
I have read that your abs can expand in size if you don't hold them in properly when you work them. I'm sure someone pitched this question to Cathe a little while ago. I wish I could remember her reply but I do know that your waist should not get bigger from ab work. Pilates is worth a try and it's an excellent way of looking after your back too. Hilary Burnett's DVDs are a very good place to start.
- Lisa :)

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