A 60-minute step workout

YES, PLEASE!! Something a little less dancy and a teensy bit more cardiovascularly challenging than Rhythmic Step (like StepWorks or StepBlast) would be parfait! I know you've already done a lot of pure step workouts, but I think a lot of people would love something fresh & super challenging. :7 :7 :7
Great idea! I would love to see another long steady-state step tape like Rhythmic Step -- no intervals or blasts, just an hour of step. And if it was knee-friendly and didn't have a lot of torque moves it would be even better.

How about a 60-minute step workout in 3x20 minute segments as others have said, but with a premix version where you have the option of adding a blast at the end of each segment. :)
StepWorks is a great 60 minute all-step workout. Give it a try, if you haven't yet. I would love some more like it though. I love it when she breaks them up and does a few intervals. Good idea!!
I'm all for a 60 min step workout, and I'm all for adding in some intervals. Cathe could do three 20 min. step combos: the first 12 min of each combo would be the step routine, then the last 8 min would be that combo's finished product as well as a blast. There could be a premix where you just do the combos, a premix where you just do the finished products and blasts, and then some premixes where you just do one or two of the 20 min. segments.
>>How about Step Blast2, Rythmic Step2 and PowerMax2 plus any
>more step choices you'd like to include!!

What Coco said!

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