
Autumn- how far along are you?? With my first we didn't hear the heartbeat at our 10 week appt but everything was fine:) Let us know, I will say a prayer for you

*************CANDRA CANDRA!!!!!!!!************

With both girls I had my membranes stripped at 38 weeks. WITH BOTH I delivered a week and a half early! Better party tomorrow night!!!!!!!!!!

Autumn- how far along are you?? With my first we didn't hear the heartbeat at our 10 week appt but everything was fine:) Let us know, I will say a prayer for you


I'm testing the new computer per DH's instructions. :p I'm 11 weeks 1 day, so it is early. I wish this wasn't my specialty. There are a few factors to consider- off by dates (so I'm not as far I think), uterine position (I'm a retroflexed girl - very retro AKA backward :p), where baby implanted, weight, etc. We heard #1 at 10 weeks, but I wasn't carrying the extra adipose on my abs. :eek::)

Thank you for the prayers!

Candra, I hope things stay quiet until Sunday. :)
Autumn, my worrier...

Matt 6:34 I will not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.

I said a prayer for you and your baby. As a HCP, you know that it's not uncommon to not hear a HB this early. If you're really concerned, schedule an u/s.......otherwise, enjoy your each & every day of your pregnancy. :)
Autumn, my worrier...

Matt 6:34 I will not worry or be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have worries and anxieties of its own. Sufficient for each day is its own trouble.

I said a prayer for you and your baby. As a HCP, you know that it's not uncommon to not hear a HB this early. If you're really concerned, schedule an u/s.......otherwise, enjoy your each & every day of your pregnancy. :)

Thanks Melanie! ((((((HUGS)))))) I am really not worried. I didn't even have my classic "chicken little syndrome" moment. Just my normal charming pessimistic self. ;)

Thank you for the prayer. Sigh..... unfortunately, as a professional in this specialty, I have high expectations. But physicians are not wired like NPs (the good NPs anyway :)). I've got things under control. If my NP friend and I can't locate the FHTs then I'll be worried.

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