_____ c & t FINALLY FRIDAY _____

Anne- cookies generally just aren't my thing......so I can pass them up easily. I just love to bake so I make cookies for everyone else. ha So , no I haven't had any.
I missed exactly what happened to your foot . How long of a recovery are you looking at ? As a runner and "tapper" I know you have to be bummed. I hope you can find a pool you can use.

Nina. YES ! I do want to come too !!!!!:D:p I think I was supposed to be born very near a beach . I feel so much more at home in a warm climate and love the ocean, the palm trees , and the air. In Ohio we have mostly cloudy days all winter and of course cold and snow and to me it's all very depressing. I become a hermit and don't go out of my house for days because I can't stand the cold , ice , snow and gray skies ! Wow, I sound like a big whiner ! LOL:p
It does sound like a lot of us have a case of the BLAHS !!!!

I just did some stretching and feel really good. I should be cleaning but think I'll just grab my book and go read for a while !
Wow, I got slammed at work this afternoon, which is good because now I don't feel like such a slacker. It's good to end the week having gotten a lot done today.

I'm off to visit my parents tomorrow. Hopefully it will be a quiet visit, but you never know what you're going to find there. It's often an adventure. It's taught me to roll with the punches, which is a good thing. Sunday I'm getting together with a friend from college. I haven't seen her in something like 10 years, but we used to be quite close, so I'm really looking forward to seeing her. She's really smart and I need smart women in my life right now! Like all of you!

Have a great weekend, I'll try to catch up when I can.

rotten day be gone!!!! i lost my patience so many times tonight - i sounded mean:eek::( please let it be gone tomorrow. and no more whining for me. the good thing? no treats or extras tonight at all. that is something. i did some yoga off exercise tv but did not like it. ah well - win some lose some.

becky, the beach is so good feeling. i spent 1 summer in san diego with dh prior to our amrriage. i was 6 blocks from the beach and the bay. it was glorious. i could never be sad or depressed there for sure.what book are you reading?

anne, have fun with your paretns and friend.

planning to wake up early and do some hill repeats before work, so i probably won't check in until afternoon - wish me luck!
ugh sorry about your day Nina !! You aren't alone ! We all have them. Tomorrow will be better !!!

Being 6 blocks from the beach is a DREAM for me ! Maybe one day !!!

I just finished the book Saving CeeCee Honeycutt and I recommend it to anyone ! It was such a sweet book, I was laughing out loud in parts , loved every minute of it. It's set in Savannah , Georgia - which I LOVE !!! Its so beautiful there.
Anyway, I just started another one......totally different but a mystery called French Pressed. One of a series - the woman is part owner of a coffee shop, dating a policeman and of course she is probably going to stumble upon a murder and help solve it. That's my guess anyway.

DD can't find a sitter, so no spinning class in the morning. :(
At least my wonderful DH got my new spinning bike put together so I will try it out in the morning !!!
I looked it up on the internet and the suggested price is $800 so at $299 I really got a heck of a deal !!!!

Goodnight everyone !!

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