9 yr old Art Project for party???


Hi All,

HELP! I've no time to research this because my husband is going in for an unexpected surgery (non life threatening) tomorrow and I'm having 12 nine year olds for a slumber party on Saturday night.

During the slumber party, we are having "spa" time for nails and hair but only 2 girls are being "done" at the same time. I need something for the other girls to do while they wait their turn. I was thinking an art project (easy and not so messy). I can go to Michaels to see what they have, but I thought I would ask here because you guys always seem to have so many great ideas. I tend to get overwhelmed at Michaels and would rather have an idea of what I want when I walk in.

Also, if there are any good slumber party games, let me know.

I just don't have time to be searching the net.


Hi Lauren,

I have a 9 year old dd, too. They have some really cute craft projects, depending on how much money you want to spend. Danica went to a b-day party at Michael's and they decorated purses. I just checked the website:


ETA: You could also buy some cheap makeup from the dollar store and have the girls do each other's makeup while they wait:) Maybe take their picture when they're all done up and get a magnet frame from Michael's and that can be their gift?

Have fun!
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We just had a 9 year old bday party last month. I bought them several rolls of crepe paper in bright colors, sunglasses in the party favor aisle at Wal Mart, they brought their swimsuits, and they made hula skirts with the crepe paper. Also bought pipe cleaners in all colors, beads and the foam flowers (they have sticky on the back that we did not need for this, but they are the thin, soft shapes that come in a fairly large container) and they made their own leis. Then we had a fashion show - we played music and I announced each one and filmed it. I had also bought the foam door hangers and they used some of the foam flowers for that - using the sticky part this time. I had gotten them hole punches for punching holes in the flowers for their leis and they got creative and punched them in the door hangers to put the pipe cleaners through in all sorts of shapes and braided colors. They also made other things on their own with those supplies. It was super inexpensive and easy, and they had much more fun than I ever could have imagined.
Nothing to add, but these are some great ideas and I hope all goes well with your husband's surgery. I know that when my DD (7) gets together with her friends they come up with all sorts to fun stuff to do on their own. I swear they can do all kinds of cartwheels for hours:p She did receive a decorate her own diary gift recently and loved using the glitter glue, beads and such to personalize it.

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