80 year old skier


Anyone see the commercial , I think it;'s for some type of drink, that shows an 80 tearold female water skier?????? I couldn't do that at 46 if I tried. I just hope to still be able to get around well at 80.:)
i plan on snow skiing at 80, at least that is my plan....i love seeing people in that age group on the slopes...it really gives me hope that anything is possible....
I have video tape of my grandmother on waterskis - one ski at that - when she was 78. (She looked darned good, too). My aunt and uncle are about that age now and they snow ski all the time. Some of their skiiing companions are in their 90's and still skiing the black diamonds of Killington.

I think some of it is genes and some if it is simply - use it or lose it.
I did see this ad, I loved it! Made me smile, she looks sooo amazing too, great legs!
my grandpa rocks it at 80!!!

My sons think that MY grandfather is awesome-he still wants to play "crack the whip" on water skis this year at 80 years young...I swear that he could run circles around some guys half his age. His secret-staying active, eating what you grow and oneryness (Ok, I added the last one!!!)
these people are my inspiration!
I ride road bikes with a guy in his mid-70's. He's an awesome road biker and even better mountain biker. Inspires me every time I see him ride up. From a distance, looks like a young man.

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