8 lb weight versus 5 lb weight?


Active Member
I have a question that might have been asked before. If I am doing an exercise and it has a ton of reps in it is it better to get through whole segment at 5 lb first before I increase to 8lb? I can lift 8lb for about 20 reps and then I decrease to 5lb. I can't get through whole segment yet at 5 lb. 5lb weight for me is too easy so that is why I increased it. So I am wondering is it better to just stick with 5lb weight first and finish whole segment before I incr to 8lb? Or can I just keep pushing for more reps at say 25 reps at 8lb and slowly work my way to get through whole segment that way? I just can't do 80 reps of chest exercises or 80 reps of triceps yet so I am wondering is it ok to do a pyramid style like I do? I really enjoy the pyramid as it makes it more fun. I usually get through 1/3 segment and am working on getting all the way through.

I'd personally do what you've been doing - continue as far as you can with the 8's, and each time you do the workout try to add additional reps (as long as you can maintain good form), then when you totally give out, drop down to the 5's to finish the set. Or, alternatively, use the 8's the entire time, but go at a slower pace than Cathe and don't worry that your rep count is slightly lower than Cathe's. Just keep trying to increase the rep count over time, until you can keep up with her.

I use both of those techniques fairly regularly - depending on how I feel that day, I'll either go slower and stick with the heavier weight, or try to keep up and drop down when I have to. This has worked well for me in increasing my strength over time.

Thank you for your advice. I feel stronger somehow when I lift heavier even if it's just a few reps. That is a good goal to aim for.


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