75-100 pound club -- repost


Hi there,

Since this is a repost... this is the short version!

I was wondering if there was anyone out there that is either in the process of losing this much weight or has lost this much weight.

I go through periods where I work out quite hard and get pretty fit to not doing anything, stressing out in bad ways and gaining weight. I had gained a good bit of weight before I got pregnant and then gained a whole lot more w/pregnancy. I have currently lost about 70 pounds, and I am 28 pounds from my goal weight... I love Cathe's tapes. It's so cool to have someone doing heavy weight work outs.

Anyways... just wondered if there was anyone out there!

Hi Zoelda -- I've lost about 140 pounds since early 1998, but have been struggling for almost a year now to keep things going. I still have more to lose but have been plateauing badly. Hang in there and keep fighting the good fight. :)
Wow... that's wonderful! Do you view the plateau as a sign of stability? I guess what I mean is that my personal experience has been that my weight loss/gain goes in 3 year cycles... I lose weight, I maintain/work at keeping it off for awhile, I get obsessive about exercise, find myself compulsively overeating, eventually stop exercising, get depressed and gain back the weight. This has been a 70 pound cycle for most of my life... starting when I was about 11-12 years old. When I got pregnant, I was already heavier, and the cycle went over 100 pounds. I now find myself sort of plateauing about 25 pounds or so from my eventual final goal, and I keep hoping that the whole having a baby has helped change me in some cosmic way that will make me less obsessive (my husband keeps telling me it has), but it is very frightening to think... ah well... here it goes AGAIN. My best girlfriend lives about 1000 miles from me and has for the last 8 years, and she goes in about 125 pound phases. I don't know if it's that we lose weight only to find out that it wasn't the weight that was making us unhappy w/ourselves or what! At any rate, I don't mean to be so long-winded... but I'm SO happy to get a response to my post!!! I am SO proud of you. It is such a daily struggle.

Take care,
Good points, Zoelda

This "plateau" of mine (which has basically been going up and down the same 10 pounds several times over for the past year) has been a little rewarding and at the same time a little scary. Rewarding because it's the first time I've ever maintained my weight within a 10 or so pound range, but scary because sometimes it feels like it's the beginning of the end. The difference this time has been the true long-term commitment to exercise. I'm hoping that will be the key.

I think it's true that as we get older we figure out there are other more important things in life than having a "perfect" body. The main thing is to be healthy, active and happy. You may find that you lose another 10 or 15 pounds and are very satisfied at that weight, especially considering what you'd have to give up to go any further. And that's fine! :) Good luck to you!
Hi, I have lost a total of 75 pounds. I lost 65 of it last year, but have only lost 10 this year. I have been on a long long plateau. I havn't lost any weight in probably six months. But, I havn't gained either!!!............Jodi
Hi Jodi,

That is wonderful! I originally wrote this post because I was hoping to find a couple of people out there that struggle with larger weight losses. It is my opinion that those of us in this size bracket have some unique issues and concerns about weight loss/exercise/dealing with our bodies than the... oh gosh, I gained 10 pounds group... who haven't fought quite the same battles. I don't mean to stir up trouble with that statement... I'm only using it to emphasize, not start a fight with anyone!

I just think it is so AWESOME that you have been able to keep the weight off. A lot of people I talk to that have lost a lot of weight are often disheartened to find out that losing the weight doesn't fix a lot of the things that contributed to their gaining that much weight in the first place, so there is that euphoria of having met a goal (whether it is the final goal or a goal along the way) only to become depressed.

I'm not a good goal setter, so this is one I personally struggle with a lot... whether it is at work or with my weight or with my exercise ability. If I meet a goal, I'm depressed because it isn't what I expected it would be, and now I have to set a new goal. If I fail to meet a goal, I'm freaked out because I'm a failure. I'm not good at savoring those little moments of triumph personally. I'm MUCH better at cheering for what you've accomplished!!!!

Take care,
Thanks, Zoelda---I truly understand what you mean by not being able to relate to those trying to lose the "last 5-10 pounds". Once before in my life I lost over 75 pounds then gained it back, plus some. Last year I added weight training along with aerobics and started a sensible eating plan. I lost 65 pounds last year and toned up more then I imagined. Normally at my current weight I wear a size 16, but with weight training I wear a size 12.

This has been the longest I have ever maintained one size. This fall I am wearing the same clothes I wore last fall. Being a seasoned yo-yo dieter--this is something that has never happend to me before.

I am really not too worried about losing any more weight. If I do great, I just want to maintain.

Good luck on your weight loss efforts. Cathes tapes really made the difference for me..............Jodi
I agree that weight training makes a big difference in body shape. People usually underguess my weight when I've been committed to weight lifting because I am smaller.

I feel like I'm trying to take a more sensible approach to things this time around. My goal is to find a weight I can maintain comfortably, but my primary goal is to stay with an exercise program because when I am working out I might gain some weight around a holiday or on a particularly bad week, but I don't seem to go into a tailspin of overeating.

I'm around a lot of competitive athletic types because of our business, so it's hard to realize how hard I'm really working/how much progress I've made with regards to fitness.

At work, I routinely talk with people who do things like Ironmans and Adventure Racing (Eco-Challenge) and compete on a national level in their sports, so sometimes I can't help but feel pretty darn pathetic by comparison... when instead of comparing myself to others, I should be focusing on being proud of myself when I've met one of my goals!

Take care,

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