7 Murders in my neighborhood in Grand Rapids


Horrible evening that is occuring. All night long, I have heard helicopters within one mile of my home. Earlier today about the time it started, I drove near or through those areas.
My heart goes out to the family of all the victims, two children part of it.
Grand Rapids is a relatively safe area for it's size. The areas are considered low crime and low priority areas for the police.
Sad night for West Michigan.
Glued to the tv from about 6pm to midnight. All major streets were blocked off in my area. Could hear helicopters all night long. If you see the news, he took off on the Interstate then decided to go down the wrong direction of it. After hours of standoff with hostages, he took his own life at the very end. It started on the northeast side of the City and ended here while he went downtown and other parts in the meantime.
What a mess. Those of us in Kzoo were glued to the tv last night. A friend mentioned it made the news in Brazil and people were asking if GR was like Detroit. Yikes.
I work in GR and drive down 131 to get home right thru that area. I couldn't imagine living in the area that all this was going on! Glad you seem to be safe. I had to be pretty nerve racking for you! I used to work over on 5 mile near all the action also. SCARRY!
Thank you for all the kind posts. That night, I was listening to the TV and to things happening outside which I could hear. During the vigil at the Ford Museum, they announced to the visitors that Betty Ford had passed. It will take a long time for the City to heal from this.

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