60 Day No Sugar/Fast Food -ose -Saturday...


Good morning everyone. I lost my internet server for most of the day yesterday so I wasn't able to check-in later. But wow, I got so much accomplished. Sometimes I don't think the internet is so great, even though I love checking in with you guys:)

I stayed away from sweets and fast foods yesterday.

Nancy, I think you made a great choice at Wendy's yesterday. It was nice that your dh could stopped by to pick it up for you. I wish my would, but he would bring home only the worst choices, because he's like me, the smell of the fries is too much:)

Have a great day everyone!!!



Hi Carrie!!!

It's another gorgeous day here! I need to get my butt up and in gear so I can enjoy some of it!!!!

Yeah, I think chili is a good choice. My DH picked up for himself some type of huge hamburger, FF, a soda, AND a chili for himself, lol. He's not heavy though....mostly because he eats what I cook and I'm usually pretty clean. He laughs that I only get the chili and the salad and says that I never "loosen" up.

I stayed pretty much on points yesterday. I only had to use 5 flex points but it was the first time I used any all week. I decided that I'm going to weigh-in once a week (instead of once a month) and go to the meetings until I drop a few pounds and keep them off.

Okay, have a good day. I'll be around later too, probably.


ETA: Great job on your weight loss to day, Carrie. How are you doing it besides no sweets and no fast food. Do you follow a specific plan? YOU MUST BE SO PROUD OF YOURSELF AND I BET YOU'RE LOOKING GREAT!!!!!!!!
Thanks Nancy. You are so kind. I try not to think about food too much. That is my key. I'm just trying to eat as clean as possible.

I have found out though, that since I eliminated HFCS the scale finally started to move down. Phewww...

Who knew???

That reminds me, I have to go broil up some chicken breasts for the week. See ya later...


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