60% and 65% weights the same?


I'm pretty sure that someone has brought this up before but I can't remember the responses from everyone. I'm about to start week 2 of meso 1 and have noticed that some of the exercises for week two are calling for the same amount of weight as the first week (60%) even though it should be 65%. I was thinking of just going up 1/2 to 1 lb to make up the difference. If this happened to any of you what did you do?
I have noticed the same thing so I used calculator and multiplied the 1RM by 65% and the increase in weight was very slight on some excerisizes, so I figuered that's why the workout manager rounds it up to the nearest number. Having said that, I think I will in cases like these increase the weight by 1 lb.
You would have tell me which disc# and which exercise you're referring to so I can help you. Your problem could simply be that there is very little difference between your 60% and 65% of 1RM weights. The WM will always round off to the nearest whole number, so if your 1RM weight is 10 lbs there probably will not be a difference in the weights shown due to rounding.
Thanks for responding Magda and SNM. The problem is probably the fact that the WM is rounding to the nearest number so I'll just add 1/2 pound pace weight.

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