6 Monthers, STS Tuesday the 30th


6 Monthers, STS Tuesday the 31st



(eat clean, that is)

Real quick, sorry, because I am going into the school with the kids this morning for a mini project.

Disc 14 is done. LEGS! Tri Sets. WOW! OUCH! FUN! SWEAT!

'nuff said!

DOMS, for sure, will be setting in later.

For accountability, when I get back from school later this AM, I'm going to post my planned meals for today.


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Morning ladies!! Hope your Tuesday is starting off okay. I did great with clean eating yesterday......we can do it! :D I actually tried a new meatloaf recipe I got from a WW member, it had mushrooms, carrots, onions, soy sauce, oats, ginger, and curry in it....very spicy and yummy! anyways, I'm going to do a treadmill speed interval run this evening for my cardio. I'm training for a 10K in May so I do a lot of running for my cardio days during STS.

WTG Gayle on completing those tri-sets....I'm looking forward to and scared to try them next week! ;)
Had to workout late this morning as dd and niece decided to sleepout in the basement where the computer and workout room is :)

Just finished IMAX3, wow, that felt hard today, my body is so ready for a recovery week. I had to squeeze the last couple of weeks together in order to be finished in time for Vegas so I haven't had a day off since March 17th :confused: Tomorrow is Disc 12B and probably the extended stretch and then recovery week!!

So I have 4 kiddos today (my two, and my sister's two), I think I will take them to the swimming pool this afternoon. Trying to find some fun stuff for them to do on spring break.

ASUDaizy I'm doing a 6.5 mile run on May 3rd so I"m also doing lots of running for my cardio:D Have you done a 10k before??

Gayle WTG on those trisets!! Hope you're not too sore later!
Good Morning Everyone!


I'm trying to do lots of variety during this recovery week. So Sunday was CC7 (Spinning) yesterday was Drill Max Scrambled Cardio (drills) and today...drum roll...I did STEP JAM! Oh my goodness I haven't done that in forever! And it was fun! When that workout first came out I did it like 3 times a week for months! (I didn't have many videos then! :eek:) Anyway, great workout and am enjoying all the cardio this week! Now if Mary reports in good news on CC8; I'll be back on the bike tomorrow!

ASUDaizy and Kim, I wish I was running too! I used to do races and all kinds of fun stuff! I can run once in a while but I can't run on pavement any more, have to do trails or gravel. Anyway, good luck with your training! (I'm jealous! :p)

ASUDaizy, the meatloaf ingredients sound yummy!

Gayle, I can't wait to hear how your legs are tomorrow! I'll be doing that workout one week from today! So are you loving Meso 2 so far? Yes, post your meals! I would love to see what's on your menu today!

Kim, have fun with the kids today! Has your weather warmed up yet?

Okay, got to get in the shower and off to work! :D:D:eek:

Jo :cool:
Hi Guys,

I did the step/HiLo premix from step jump and pump and the ab segment from it . It was good, but I ended up thinking, was that it? My stamina is getting better....:)

Maggie, I'm sorry about your ankle, hang in there! Maybe you can adjust your calories on the days you can't do cardio until you get the bike to keep your progress going! What are your workout plans for the recovery week? I'm going to try to do as many cc as I can, see if it will shake up anything:D

Jo, definitely enjoy your chocolate, or whatever it will be this weekend, but stay clean until then....;)

Kim, sounds like you got lots of fun purchases! I hope you got to earn flyer miles or something with all of it!

I'm in charge of making snack for my 2.5 yr olds weekly toddler class. I heard the bunny is visiting... I'm going to make sweet bunny shaped breads for the occasion, so I'll be busy, because I also have company for lunch and need to clean the house. Why I always wait to last minute to clean, I don't know....

Have a great day!
Hey guys!

Maggie, you don't have a bike, is that right??? We bought ours a long time ago and I keep it in good shape because there are days when I just need NO impact. I hope your ankle heals FAST!

Cendrine, I wait FOREVER to clean. And then get embarassed when company pops in and I have to go scurry into the bathroom to do a quick swish and rinse! LOL Enjoy making goodies....MAKING goodies, NOT EATING goodies! ;)

Jo, YUP....loving the new pace of Meso 2 (so far). I'll share my meals below.

Kim, I think it's time to treat your body to a good ol recovery week! Enjoy having the kids!!!

ASUdaisy (I originally called you ASUCRAZY, lol), have you run other races/events??? I'm getting the itch to pin on a bib number SOON, and I'm eyeing up some local races in the near future too!

Good & bad news....DOMS are setting in. Good news is I like it. Bad news is it's only been 7 hours since my workout was finished, so that's FAST! I may be in BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG trouble tomorrow! I'm planning on doing a segment of Stretch Max tonight during The Biggest Loser, so hopefully that helps. I've got Step Blast on tap for tomorrow (I believe) so that will be interesting! HA!

My planned meals for today:
M1: Myoplex Lite shake with 1 T Glutamine powder (done)
M2: 1/3C oatmeal with 1T ground flaxseed, 2 egg whites (done, and I usually have 3 whites, but only had 2 left today)
M3: banana, 2 lite string cheese (done, at work/school)
M4: can of salmon with 2 T lite Miracle Whip in 1/2 whole wheat pita, baby carrots
M5: tilapia, asparagus, 1/2 small baked sweet potato
M6: BSN Lean Dessert Protein shake

OK....things to do!

Hi Everybody!

No lunch hour for me today (had an office meeting instead), so unable to post. I will post when I get home tonight!!!

Just a quick note while I am having meal #2! I love it when I eat this way, I have so much more energy and I just plain FEEL GOOD! (sugar is evil sugar is evil sugar is evil :mad::mad::mad:) I'm very balanced!

Gayle, I watch Biggest Loser also! But you see it way before me! DH watches it with me but commentates through the whole thing (you know about the crying, the drama and that sort of thing!). Your menu looks good!

Mary, hope you're not having to work too hard and miss your workout!

Cendrine, enjoy your company (and the bunny breads!)

Back to work, just wanted to check on all of you!

Hi ladies--thanks for all the words of encouragement. It helps, it really does.

Yes, I am eating less to make sure there is a calorie deficit and I'm nursing a giant baby (22 lbs at 7 months and growing--that's got to be burning something).

According to the accursed scale, I have 9.5 lbs to go to get to my pre preggo weight, so I'm 1.5 lbs ahead of my goal going into April (my goal is to lose 3 lbs per month--a doable goal and one that won't discourage me--STS is speeding things up despite my cardio issues, so that's good)

I'm off to do disk 10 and the next few days are going to be crazy busy, so it may be a while before I get down here again.

I'm thinking of you all when my hand wants to bring CRAP into my mouth--oh the guilt is good...WE CAN DO IT!

take care all
Hi Everybody,

The last 2 days at work have been pretty hectic, but the good news is I only have 2 more days left before my official weekend starts :p:p:p.

Gayle- The salmon in the whole wheat pita sounds really good. I'm going to incorporate that into my eating plan, I just have to do a little more grocery shopping to stock up. I like the quick prep options, because any major work to get dinner ready is just not going to happen when I get home at night. I'm just to darn tired.... Hope you can walk tomorrow after that workout! BRING ON APRIL, I'M READY!!!!!

ASUDaizy-I love meatloaf!! We had meatloaf a lot when I was growing up, so it's more a comfort food for me. Your option looks much more healthy than my mom's, she had everything but the kitchen sink in hers. Way to go on the 10K training. We have the Crim race where I live in Michigan, and it pulls people from all over the country. My 2 nephews (age 27 and 30) have challenged me to the 10 mile run. I'm up to 7 miles right now, and still have until August to get to 10. My greatest satifaction would be to "whip their butts". I would even have a t-shirt made up that said "I whipped their butts" and put a picture of them on it. Revenge is soooooo sweet with me!!!

Kim-Hey I have an idea
Why don't you, ASUDaizy, Gayle, Belinda, Chrissy and all other runners meet me in August for the Crim. It will give us a goal! It's only about 90+ degrees and 100% humidity in August, but just think how good we'll feel when we are done. Something to think about..... IMAX3 felt hard "TODAY"! That workout feels hard every time I do it. That's one that just never gets any easier for me. YOU GO GIRL.....

Jo-I did CCV8 this morning, and absolutely loved it! It has moved to the head of the class. There are 2 - 8 minute challenges at a level 3 that had me diggin deep, but it's amazing how the coach helps you through the really tough parts. The music was the best, and I felt like I was flying!!! I'm not even going to tell you about the last challenge and the LEVEL 4'S, but I was begging for mercy!! I felt so accomplished when I finished. As you would say, WHOOOHOOO!!!!

Cendrine-I haven't done the HiLo premix from SJP yet. I may have to dig that one out and fire it up this weekend. How fun to have company over for lunch. Do your friends follow your clean eating plan also? It makes it a lot easier if they do. We have a group of friends that get together every Friday at 4:30 and meet at a local pub/restaurant for an early dinner (most of them are retired). The food is your typical greasy burger/fries and the air is so thick with cigarette smoke. There is really nothing healthy on the menu, so I've been opting out quite a bit lately! I really don't want to go and set myself up for a fall...

Maggie-Hope the ankle is feeling better and you can find a doable substitute for your cardio. What an incentive that you are ahead of schedule with your weight loss
. I think the encouragement from this forum is what will help us all get past our sticky point (I think Cathe says that in some of her workouts) :p. Enjoy whatever down time comes your way, you deserve it.

Chrissy-So how is your rest week going so far? Are you climbing the walls? I'm with you on the weekend eating. I'm good all week, and then I actually start planning to be not so good as the weekend approaches. My problem is we like to go out on the weekends, or have company over, and that usually means eating and drinking the "not so good things". I guess we just need to keep encouraging each other. WE CAN DO IT!!!!!

Julie-I think we're on for Disc 8 tomorrow. Are you recharged from Monday's workout? I'm still feeling it in by bi's. I love working the tri's, so I'm looking forward to tomorrow, and the 2nd time through is so much better for me.

Well as you can see, I don't know how to make things brief :eek::eek::eek:.Hope everybody has a great evening and we'll talk soon...

Mary, Are there any hills in the Crim?? I think I could stand the heat/humidity but I'm a prairie girl, I do not do hills??? :p I love the tshirt idea, what a great idea. I don't think I have #8 CC. I have 5 CC and then music (because somedays I want to just listen to music) and my mp3 player is full. But you make #8 sound tempting.

Maggie, Great job on the weight loss
What an accomplishment!!!

Cendrine I was able to use air mile points to book our flights to Florida, which is why I had to book them so early (for next Nov) as there are only 6 free seats allowed on each flight and they go fast. The pickings for November were already slim yesterday. The Easter treats sound cute!

Jo We're getting lots more snow today and tomorrow. Poor flooded North Dakota, just south of us, is getting the brunt of this storm. I feel so sorry for the city of Fargo. I'm actually doing less and less running. I have run one full marathon and a few half marathons but my asthma has developed just in the last 5 years. I actually wonder if it's from too many years of running outside in very cold temps. I have to go slow or my asthma bugs me. I still have lots of runner friends, and just go for little fun runs now.

Hey ladies!!! I'm sitting enjoying The Biggest Loser (I'm liking Alli being the stand-in host). I just wanted to THANK YOU ALL for the onslaught of
these last 2 days.

I HEARD you all yelling that at me about an hour ago. We visited my sister and my 2 neices (ages 4 and 1) and when we got home the kids were hungry so I reheated some homemade pizza that we made yesterday. Younger DS had a small slice left and I took a bite off the tip. Then I HEARD YOU ALL YELLING AT ME and I threw the rest away. For one fleeting moment, I thought to myself, "tomorrow is April 1st....I'll eat a few things tonight and really kick it in starting tomorrow". BUT I DIDN'T GIVE IN! I kept with my planned protein drink and am happy RIGHT NOW that I did so.

THANK YOU.....so keep saying it..

WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!

Well no workout today. I decided to reread BFFM. I am glad I did. The affirmations will help me get refocused ( i hope). I wrote down my affirmation and that will help me. I have a lot of challenges right now that are making it harder for me to focus on my goals. I am looking foward to disc 8 tomorrow. I do like repeating the dsc. Hope everyone has a great night! btw my hams still hurt!!!!!!!!!!

Mary, you've got me sold on CCV8! I'm doing it tomorrow! I'm sorry you're having a hectic week! But it happens I know! Last night I spent a little time looking at all the CC workouts on my iPod and I think after I do CC8 I'll make up my own playlist with the challenges I love so far.

Kim, I bought all the CC's (except the pump). CC8 is the only one I haven't done. I'm very impressed with these! You must be sick of the cold weather! We had a phenomenal amount of snow this year (for the Northwest) and I'm sick of it! Where oh where is the sunshine???

Julie, I'm still waiting for my friend to bring me BFFM to read but I'm improvising and so far am feeling very confident. The affirmations are a good idea - that works for me lots of time!

Maggie, I hope your ankle is better! Check in when you can!

Overall, I'm not feeling tempted about eating bad...yesterday someone brought chocolate muffins (which don't appeal to me anyway) and then today someone brought homemade chocolate chip and I just looked and walked away! But didn't feel tempted at all!

Okay, got to go, need to grab a bite...15 minutes until Biggest Loser comes on! (Cod and green beans await me!) :p

Jo :D

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