6 Monthers, STS, MONDAY the 23rd


UGH......does that sum up how I feel this morning? lol

What a weekend. It was a whirl of a good time.

I can't chat right now. We all slept in a bit and have just a few minutes, but I wanted to start us off for the day. After I get the kiddos on the bus, I'm coming home for Rhythmic Step and Med Ball Abs from Ab Circuits.

Did you all order the new cardio series??? I heard about it from Jerry yesterday afternoon at the party, but couldn't order till I got home late last night.

I'll be back after my workout to chat just a little bit about my trip.

Today's goal (and this week's goal) is to remain active with cardio and abs for my Recovery Week. And to use up all the clean eats in my fridge and freezer before buying more and restocking (I tend to buy too much and then some of it goes bad before I can eat it all).


Good morning girls,

This morning I did disc 7 (second time). I burned 502 cal., not bad!

Gayle, I pre ordered the new series!:D

Have a great day!
Hi All,
Early for me as I have to get to work for client meeting. I will do Rhythmic Step when I get home tonight.

Good Morning Belinda! :)

Gayle, I preordered!!!! ;)

Okay I am back on track! I did disc 7 and it kicked my butt!!!!! Hung with it for the most part though. I nver did finish those one rep so I was kind of scrambling a bit. Holy...I can hardly move my arms to type. I also did MB Abs.

Good luck to everyone today!

I am off for a 20 minute soak in the salts and then shower.
Happy Monday Everybody,

Well I started this week doing Disc 7 for the 1st time. I thought of you Julie and Belinda since we are all doing 7 this week. I'm not looking forward to having to repeat this one next week. Sometimes it's good not knowing what's coming up (Was the dread factor there for you Belinda since this is your 2nd week?) There were so many grunts and groans coming from us this morning, it was quite humorous :eek::eek:. Those pushups were NASTY, NASTY,NASTY. I told the ladies that I pre-ordered a new cardio series, and for some reason they weren't quite as excited as I was. Maybe it's because we had just finished doing 500 pushups (OK, slight exaggeration, but it felt like it)!!!!

Julie-I'm so glad to hear that you are back on track. You sound pumped, and that's a great thing. I haven't heard of the hypnotist you indicated, so I don't have any feedback about him or the process. Good luck on whatever you decide.

Jo-I love Rhythmic Step, it's probably my all-time favorite step tape. Took me forever to learn the moves, but it really is a great leg burner. Have fun with it. I am going to do IMAX 3 tomorrow morning. I don't know if it's because of the short rest period between sets, but IMAX 3 is a challenge for me. I do it, but there's no love factor there!!

Gayle-I had to chuckle when I read Jo's post from yesterday about telling her DH that she was done ordering stuff for her workouts. I told my DH that I had only a few more things to purchase for Meso 2 & 3, and then we get the notice of the STS Cardio, so I had to preorder. I used the reasoning that it was an early Birthday present to myself (Sounded good at the time
). Enjoy your rest week!!! Meso 2 is right around the corner!! P.S. I followed my eating plan all last week. Saturday I had a snack after dinner, but I had that on my schedule. The weekend is always hard for me, but I kept thinking of your words of encouragement to all of us. It really has helped me through my sticky point - (Thank you, Thank you, Thank you)
(Let me know if this becomes really annoying)

Well my lunch hour is about over, so I'm signing off for awhile. Have a great afternoon everybody!

Hi Guys,

well, I did disk 10 for the first time today, and if my shoulders aren't killing me tomorrow with DOMS, I'll be very surprised! I did pretty well, but the shoulders was the most challenging part.

I think the disk as a whole was not quite as hard for me to do because I had a couple of longer rests getting my kids settled with breakfast, they usually come downstairs at different times during my workout and my husband takes care of them, but he left the house at 4:40 am today for a work thing. It will be interesting to see if I'll find the next round harder due to less rest.

I was excited to find out that I could push through doing all the pushups on my toes! That was very encouraging! I needed a little lift, because after staying clean eating wise at Disneyland and all weekend, I ended up eating some swiss chocolates my mom left behind last night when I most certainly had not calculated them in....:(
Well, I'm moving on, it tasted good and now I'm back on the clean wagon!

Julie, I'm so glad you are feelig better, though you'll be sore, but it's great to be back on schedule, isn't it?

I ordered the cardio series too, telling my husband he didn't have to worry about coming up with something for my birthday and anniversary...:) He hates it when I do that, because he always wants to get me something I didn't see coming, but he can not usually think of anything, which makes me feel better, because I feel the same about him...:)

Have a great day, everybody!
Hi ladies--

I did the first 2 combos of Amy Bento's In the Ring--about 40 min total. My back and ankle felt fine, but because the ankle is new and reoccuring (over the last couple of weeks) I forced myself to quit. I don't want to be dealing with another chronic injury.

I am eating super clean to make up the cardio/calorie deficit.

Looking forward to disk 10 tomorrow.

"Look," I told ds yesterday(regarding my pre order), "With as much weight as I've gained with each child, if I didn't work out, I'd probably weigh 400 lbs right now and you'd rather have me collect workout dvds that I'm going to use than ceramic figurines* or something." *Not that there is anything wrong with collecting ceramic figurines;)

I didn't really need to justify the expense with him. He knows how much I love Cathe's stuff, but still I felt a bit guilty because we are on a spending "diet" right now.

Too much coffee for me too, apparently.:eek:

Kim--#75--cool. I was 310 and would have ordered sooner (for the original STS I was waiting at the computer for the pre order to start), but I had no idea this was coming. I always order ground and I live on the west coast, so it always seems like everyone gets it before me anyway:p.

Cendrine--cool on all the toe push ups! I'd be amazed if I could do them all. I didn't even think of using the 20% off coupon on anything but dvds. I'll have to go check out her other stuff. My stability balls are always going flat (kids:mad:).

Mary--our family loves movie night with popcorn! We do that too (but mine is with no butter--unless dh is gone). I hope people are more patient with the new series too--STS strength was so worth the wait!

Jo--that's right you did have an ankle problem. What's wierd for me is that this is new on my list of aging body parts. It's usually knee, achilles tendons, or back, but now ankle:(. My dh is also understanding about my Cathe purchases. We went on a spending "diet", but it's just a given that if Cathe has a pre order, I must partake...:D

Soon2bfit--disk 7 is a killer. All those push ups. Enjoy your DOMS tomorrow:eek:. I tend to be an emotional eater too, but I've never tried hypnosis. If you do it, tell us how it goes.

Belinda--#53--you are even higher than Kim. Wow on the disk 7 calorie burn. I don't have a moniter, but I get sweatier than usual with these meso 1 workouts and my heart rate certainly goes up--with the 30 seconds of rest and all. I'm also starving all the time. So anyway, I'm not surprised.

Gayle--glad you had a fun weekend and are back safely. Yes, I did pre order STS shock cardio. I've been pining for new Cathe cardio and she is delivering. I hope to find a heavy bag for that one bonus workout....yesss....

take care all!

Sorry, guys just another quick post from me as I'm still feeling kind of icky. Busy day at work for me, then dd had piano lessons and then I did disc #11, my triceps felt this one!!!

Sounds like everyone is doing okay, hopefully I'll have time to catch up more tomorrow. Kim
Hi Everyone! Long day for me today! I did get Rhythmic Step in after I got home. You know it took me years to switch from working out in the evenings to mornings (I'm not a morning person, but I did it!) and so now when I can't workout in the morning, it's a struggle for me to get it done in the evening. Anyway, I did and all is well!

Today was difficult to stick to clean eating. We had clients in so that usually means things I don't usually eat. But I did do well, and then late today before I left work, someone over in another department ingeniously baked oatmeal raisen cookies in a toaster oven in their cube! So had a couple! I figure if anyone goes to that much trouble, I should partake!

On to other business....

Gayle...when you have time, would love to hear more about your trip!

Yes, Mary, and Julie and Belinda, how was that Disc 7? Pushup city huh? You all seem to do better than I with the pushups but there is a LOT isn't there? Not as many in Disc 10 - but the shoulder work! Oi-e-vey! Julie, I'm glad you're feeling better!

Cendrine - now you know why I was whining last week about those shoulder dropsets! Are you kidding me? I did do better with them yesterday, but I still stuggled. I can't believe you can do all those pushups on your toes! You're an animal!

Maggie, you might look at getting an ankle support - you can get one at Sports Authority for like $4.95. But I hope for you it's just a little "nag" like whatever I had. My ankle has been fine - but I think it helped that I did my spinning bike for cardio for a week and no Imax's!

Kim - sorry you're not feeling well! I'll be doing Disc 11 tomorrow. Hopefully that one isn't so bad and make you feel worse. I seemed to get through the back and tricep workouts easier than the others (not that they are easy - it's just that there's no pushups! ;))

You all take care, and talk to you tomorrow. Oh, and I told DH, except for any other preorders from Cathe I don't know about, new lifting gloves and new resistance bands, I should be done for a while with purchases! :D:D I didn't say how LONG that "while" is however! :D

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Maggie, I meant to ask you about Amy Bento's In the Ring. Can you compare it to KPC or any other Cathe workouts?


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