6 Montheres, STS, Wednesday


Good morning ladies.
Up and AT 'EM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hump Day.
What's your goal today?
Did you write a list of your goals?
What is your menu like???
PLAN AHEAD, because if you fail to plan you plan to fail!

OK.....I'm up and done with today's workout. I did Mega Step Blast and abs from 4DS BC. That Mega Step Blast is tough! MAN! It started out so easy and slowly, but by the middle of the FIRST full segment, I was huffing and puffing! I burned over 500 calories with this one! Do you guys have this one? It's old, and only on VHS; thongs, poofy bangs on Cedie, etc.

Off to a great start.

Cendrine-the only supplement I take is Glutamine Powder, which is supposed to help your muscles rebuild themselves. I put 1 tsp in a glass of water or my morning protein shake and drink it first thing, as closely after my morning workout as possible. I also take a multi-vitamin at night before bed. But that's it.

Today's agenda. The kids and I are going to my friend's house to clean. I usually do it when they're in school on Wednesday mornings, but they're off school and they like to play with the 2 dogs, so they'll tag along with me. Then we don't have anything till baseball practice tonight, but they're forecasting more rain, so that's iffy. I want to make a stop at the new Christmas Tree Shop that opened up here. Have you guys heard of this place? I hadn't, until a friend told me that it's sort of an outlet store with all kinds of odds and ends....so I'd like to take the kids there to check it out. Other than that, it's a quiet day.

I've got PLENTY of fresh veggies and fruit in my fridge and plenty of lean proteins I can cook up in a flash, so I'm not worried about it.

I'll BBL sometime to check in and make sure Mary is behaving (oops...did I say that out loud?:p)!

Have an awesome day ladies!

Good Morning to Everyone! I just finished getting the kids off to school and I am going to start working out.

I would love to hear what others are taking for supplements. I just started reading Metabolism Advantage. Has anyone read it? Does anyone take Creatine?

Here is what I take:

Udo's Choice Oil/ 1 TBS
Fish Oil 3000mg

GNC Women's I;tra Mega Pack Active

GNC Probolic Extreme Protein Power 40grms
Happy Wed!

Morning all you FIT ladies!

Gayle, I can't believe how early you are up and moving! I set the alarm for 4, but usually hit snooze at least once and snuggle with the dogs until closer to 415 before rolling out of bed ;) But I love finding other morning people!

Okay, I'm going apologize for this post in advance b/c I'm going to whine and it maybe long...this weekend trip to the mountains is not going to be much fun and I'm not looking forward to it. DH's mom passed away not long after we met so his dad wanted this trip and is paying for the cabin and I'm being forced to go....it's 3 men and 4 male dogs, and me....and his dad is very strange and says whatever and it's usually inappropriate and makes you uncomfortable....and his brother is lazy and dirty....like, we will have to make him shower all weekend type....so, we have a cabin and I am a planner and I told DH to talk to them about the plans for the weekend....first they wanted to just wing it....umm...no....then I'm thinking we are going to cook and bring food b/c it's a cabin and his dad wants to eat out EVERY MEAL!! #1. That's expensive and we are on a budget and his dad doesn't buy meals for us or anything so I know this is going to cost us, and #2. I don't want to eat out. I don't really like eating out that much, plus it's harder to find healthy and stay within your calories, etc. I am not used to that. and where does he want to go? He wants to eat a japanese steakhouse and a regular expensive steakhouse.....seriously?!? :mad: I'm going to walk around with my beck diet advantages cards in my hands and do the best I can.....

Okay. I'm done. Thanks for letting me rant. Now onto better things.....my shoulders are still feeling that wo from Mon and I did disc 14 today....and I LOVED IT! I really really liked this leg routine better than the meso 1 leg routines....although I was talking a little bad about Cathe during the lunges with plates :D By the last few I really struggle to get back up.....and since this is really my 1st experience with weight training, STS is the 1st time I've ever done deadlifts and I LOVE them!! I already am feeling it and had to take the elevator at work this morning. I work on the 4th floor and knew I would not make it up the stairs today....LOL! :p

Soon2BFit - I only take a multivitamin, one a day womens. I probably should take some others, but I don't.

My meal plan for today - protein shake w/banana for bfast after my wo, I just had my cup of coffee, a egg/meat muffin for snack (homemade, 1 ww point), I made chipotle black bean chili this week for lunch, afternoon snack of an orange/banana and maybe a handful of nuts if I'm in the mood and need it. Dinner is extremely easy tonight b/c we have to pack and everything, so just grilled chicken and some steamfresh veggies.

I'll check back in later in the day and give more shout outs.....I'm reading all of your posts, and am thinking about you guys!! Hope you have a great day!
Hi Guys,

I am taking a rest day since it is recovery week, and I think it will be good for me! I did love that CCV5 though! And get this, hubby did CCV4 yesterday! I was very impressed!

Jo, the calipers I got were online but I saw them at Muscle Max, if you happen to have that store near you. It's possible maybe GNC might have them too.

Crystal, sorry about the weekend not looking so good for you. I kind of feel the same way about my inlaws. We have a culture difference, them being Japanese and me being Swiss, so that doesn't help things and. THey always want to eat out too and try to guilt me into eating dessert so they aren't the only ones eating it..... But at least they pay for it.... I hope the trip turns out being easier than you thought. You might grab a couple of vacuum packed chicken or tuna pouches that you could top onto salad that hopefully any restaurant you go to will have, and then you should be ok...?

Gayle, have fun with the kids today after your cleaning, and thanks for the motivation every morning!

Julie, I haven't read that book. WHat does it teach? I was just checking out the GNC vitamins, there is one for active women. I wonder if it's any good?

Hi to all the rest of you! BBL

I'm really late this morning so will be back. I had Leg DOMS from Disc 14 but not so bad. So I decided to do CCV8 this morning to help me work through it! I did, legs are happy and so am I. However I should have been in the shower 30 minutes ago and I'm not!

So, I'll talk later! :D

Hi Everybody,

Sorry to post and run, but no lunch hour for me today :(:(:(! I had a 2 hour outdoor meeting this morning at the complex I manage (was 35 degrees BRRRRRRR), got into work at 10:00 with lots of work waiting for me! I'll post an extra long one tonight!!!!

I'm posting and running too! But I wanted to comment:

Crystal-know what my motto is with people like your in-laws? KILL 'EM WITH KINDNESS! I mean, be super nice, like they're just the best folks in the world. If it were me, I'd find out what DFIL's and DBIL's favorite home-cooked meals are, and I'd make them while there. I'd make ALL THE MEALS! lol Am I NUTS? No, not really. But if you combine the motto of KILL 'EM WITH KINDNESS and part of that being COOKING for them, you are in control, baby! YOU! You can control the ingredients, you're being super nice so it 'should' make them feel grateful you're there and hence make them nicer to you? Perhaps? Not only THAT, but your DH may appreciate you just that much more. Not that you asked, but that's what I WOULD DO! LOL

Getting stuff done, BBL.

Hi ladies--been MIA because I've been so insanely busy!

On my rest week. Lost another lb, despite some cheats this weekend and not doing any cardio. The ankle is feeling a bit better, but not as good as I'd hoped. As long as I keep losing fat and gaining muscle (thank you STS), I'll try not to complain.

I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a good used stationary bike. I just don't feel like spending too much right now.

Dh got me my 35 lb weights and they had 45's and 50's used, so like a dear he bought them as well. Now I just need 40s. The only thing I'll use the 45's and 50's for are those plie squats where you pick up one dumbell and put it down again. I can't imagine using them for anything else, unless I had a spotter. They are HUGE:eek:.

I don't use any supplements, but I do use whey protien powder from Coscto.

I'm jealous (in a good way:)) of ya'lls cardio...sniff...but I am eating clean overall--8.5 lbs to go to pre preg weight--and I'm .5 lbs away from April's goal, so I'm ahead of where I'd planned to be.

Gayle, Isn't Mega Step Blast fun? It's one of those oldie but goodie that fools you into thinking its going to be easier! But NOT! That was my very first Cathe purchase back in 1994. It was the most advanced workout I owned and I thought it was the BEST EVER! I've never heard of the Christmas Tree shop so we must not have them at here. I'm sure it's something I would like however!

Julie, let us know later what you did for your workout! I have not heard of Metabolism Advantage. Tell me more!

Crystal, oh my. I think you should pretend to get food poisoning and stay HOME! (Just kidding!) What a predicament. I don't have any advice other than go with the flow and do the best you can! There's nothing worse than being in a situation like that and then have a miserable time! Well, I guess try to find the good out of it and be thankful when it's over! I love deadlifts too! I don't know what it is about them, but they make my butt happy! Black bean chili sounds wonderful! I love black bean anything! :D

Cendrine, okay I take: multi, B-complex, calcium, vitamin D (we have no sun here, dr recommended), E, CoQ10, (I'm missing something). Enjoy your rest day! I'm glad DH is enjoying CC! That's great! :p

Maggie, I was wondering how your week is going! Good job on the additional weight loss and being ahead of schedule! You'll be back doing cardio in no time! Those are some HUGE dumbbells! Good luck with those!

Lunch time is over! Hello Mary, Chrissy, Kim, Tracy! :D:D:D

Hi All,

a quick break before my day gets moving again.

Gayle, I haven't heard of that shop either, but it sounds like a shop that would get me into trouble, so it's just as well I don't have one here....:)

Maggie, congrats on your continued success and progress, that is so wonderful! Way to go!

Jo, I'd be interested in the acid test you mentioned to find out if those vitamins absorb well. What did you do to determine that? And do you happen to know if the kirkland brands are natural or synthetic vitamins?

I also use the costco whey protein, and also their EAS protein, I love them both!

Killing them with kindness is something I keep working at too! I am not a very good actress, though so it takes a lot of effort for me, but it's good exercise in self-control.

:D:D:DJo, I know what you mean! LOL

Sorry I haven't been around today. Kids and I have been doing a little bit of things here and there, odd ball things like filling all 3 propane tanks for the grill (yes, 3.....always need a spare, right? lol), trying out that new store (a waste, by the way), and baseball practice. Now they're watching a movie, and younger DS has a friend sleeping over. I'm on the basement PC, and I just set up my workout area for tomorrow morning's Disc 15 (back & bis). Can't wait! I'm also doing odds and ends in my dining room on my scrapbooks while they watch the movie, so it's been a productive day. Another day of clean eating and I feel so good, but still keeping my guard up for those urges that creep in now and then.

Have a good night, get a great night's sleep, and I'll see you all in the morning!

Decided to start Meso2 instead of waiting for tomorrow. Did disc #13, I'm interested to see how sore I am tomorrow. I think I'm going to enjoy meso 2 more than meso 1.

No vitamins or supplements for me just try and eat healthy!

Crystal I hope you're able to enjoy the upcoming weekend, are there things that you and DH can go off and do alone??

Maggie Congrats on the 1 lb loss!

Goodnight all! Kim
Cendrine, I don't know if the Costco vitamins are synthetic or natural. My intuition says they are synthetic. I'm going to submit a question about them to costco.com and see what they say. What I do know is they are USP certified so that means they have been inspected for potency, purity and dissolvability (is that a word?) (probably many more requirements than that).

The acid test I did was to take 1/2 cup or so of white vinegar and get it to at least room temperature (closer to body temperature is better) and then drop the vitamins in the vinegar. They should dissolve within 30 minutes - 60 max. When I did this with the Costco vitamins they all dissolved in about 15 minutes.

I've used their EAS protein too but have never tried the whey protein.

By the way, my inner thighs and outer glutes are really tight. No running up the stairs for me today! :eek::eek:

Tomorrow is Disc 15 - I've already got my barbell set up and am ready to go! A lot less weight changes for this workout so that's good! I'm really looking forward to it.

Hope you all have a great day tomorrow! :D

Jo :cool:

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