6 mo rotation, Meso 3 legs


I am about halfway done with the 6 month rotation. I will be hitting M3 in about 3 weeks. When I did the 3 mo rotation last spring, I did the Plyo Legs, and enjoyed them, even though some days they dang near killed me:p I was going to do the Plyos again this go around, but I am becoming more and more intrigued by the Squat Rack Legs. However, I am not sure I want to do those for 8 wks. I was thinking of doing 4 wks of each, but I'm not sure which to do 1st. Also, I don't have a squat rack, and DH would probably keel over if I brought one home, and I'm not sure I want to spend $100+ on the Valor stands. I can lift anywhere btwn 70-75 lbs over my head on the bar, depending on the day, and I also have a weight vest, so I will be ok on poundage, but I'm thinking that's going to be hard on my shoulders. I know whenever I do PLB, I can really feel it in my shoulders until they catch up after a few repeats of the workout. Thoughts/suggestions/ideas?

I did both workouts in meso 3. On Monday I did plyo legs instead of cardio, and then the squat rack later in the week between the two upper workouts. I liked it that way. I bought a Vallor squat rack (not the stands) and love it. If you could write a letter to Santa...... :) that would be great!
I just restarted STS with a 6 mo rotation and I am planning to do the same thing this time around again, come Meso 3.
Best: Krasy

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