6.5 mos or 3.5 mos rotation?


I just completed Meso 1 today for my 3.5mos rotation but now thinking maybe I should do 6.5 mos rotation instead. What is yours & why? And for those who completed them which one did you like?
I chose to do the 3.5 month rotation because it was my first time doing STS and didn't think I could follow the rotation for 6.5 months but I'm regretting my decision.

I'm loving STS but I don't think I'm gaining strength as quickly as I think I should be to keep up with the program and I'm wishing I would have more time with a certain weight before increasing 5%. I'm struggling to keep up and I'm getting discouraged having to lower my weight/not completing a set. :(

Also, my right arm is stronger than the left and it's keeping up but the left is not happy (especially the tricep exercises). I believe the extra time would even out my strength.

I'm wondering if I should start over even though I'm in the middle of Meso 2?!? :confused:
Molasses it's not too late if you are not happy after completing Meso 1! I'm sure it's not gonna hurt if you do them again:) One reason I want to change mine to 6.5 mos is because I'll be done by summer & I can show off my arms:)
HAHA! That's my goal too...I want nice arms for the summer. I'll finish this week and start Meso 1 over. Thanks for your help buneknek. :D
I think if you can do it, the 6.5 month rotation should produce some really great results, but for me, it's more of a personality thing, I just don't see myself doing the same mesocycle for 2 months straight. 4 weeks is about just right for me before mentally needing to move on to something else.

I even recall Cathe posting that the 6.5 month is her preferred recommendation to get the absolute most out of the program, but they understood many people are not able/willing to commit to such a long rotation and will still get fantastic results with the 3.5, I guess mainly psychologically 6.5 months can seem overwhelming.
I started doing the 3.5 month but switched to the 6.5 month after the second week of Meso 1. I am only on Week 3. I do think repeating the weeks helps build strength, that 5% jump can be a bit of a booger. I kind of like that this will carry me all the way through the summer and into fall. And, I have all the tapes, so I don't have to worry about substituting. That has always been a problem for me in the past.

I am loving this, though! It is a great program.

I have done STS 3 times now and each time I did the 3.5 month rotation, but I have just started my 4th round and I decided to do the 5.5 month rotation. I am loving the 5.5 month rotation! It is so nice to get to repeat the week. I was worried about getting burned out and not being able to keep at it for the 5.5 months, but for me right now it is just what I need. I like having structure and knowing what my workouts are going to be - I was flailing a bit and having the structure is just what I needed to get back on track. I feel like I get the weight perfect by the second week, if I need to tweak anything.

Cathe did write in response to someone to take off a week for active recovery after 4 weeks, even if doing the 5.5 month rotation, and she said that only doing 4 weeks of meso III is preferred - all sounds good to me.

I just went and found the link where Cathe wrote her response about taking recovery weeks

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