50 and over week of Sept 6 check in

Hi Everyone!

Today was the final day of a bust of a week. I do not know why, but I just can not work out. I think I am just stressed, but usually that is WHY I work out!! I think I will start with you all if you start the sts again. I really wish the other program were out- the old tapes just are not doing it for me right now.

Did anyone research the beachbody insanity? I read about it on these boards and it sounds like a cardio version of sts on a smaller scale.

Joan, you and your mom have a great attitude by not worrying. Nonetheless, your in my prayers as well.

Magnolia, I have never been on a cruise either. That one sounds fabulous. One of these days I may be able to talk DH into one. He usually wants to be the one sailing the boat- but that size boat doesn't have pilates classes, or for that matter anything else.

Jann, I printed all mine out as well and now have two seperate notebooks with the weights- it was great because I can see the improvemnt- by the time I do it again, I am afraid I will have really backslid- I guess I should jump back in

Cathy, yeah on the rain!! I wish I could send your some of ours- it has rained all summer!!

Hi to Tricia!
have a great evening all!!
OK I am in for Monday. No big promises though. I have a lot on my plate this fall.... :confused: I like finishing up before Christmas week...
I will doing my own cardio until Shock Cardio comes out then I will incorporate that into where ever I am in the rotation. OK with that said.... I need to print out some workout cards :D
Beth I am looking at my weights -- I know I have some work to get back to where I was.... just a few short months ago. :eek: The couple of people I know that have Insanity (and I trust) I am sure it's not for me. I would be modifying more than following. :confused: That being said they are enjoying it. I am really thinking about getting Rev Abs -- depending on the cost.

Magnolia Good luck on those 1RM's -- I know having them and using the workout cards made doing STS much more fun.

Joan Good for you and your Mom. Doing your own research is a very good thing. I think you guys have a very good attitude. So your DIL is doing well, that's great!

Cathe yay rain!

Hey Tricia!
Hi everyone,

I put in STS in schedule for Monday. But haven't printed wo cards yet. They did seem a little strange. Some were heavier, I expected that but some were less.:confused:

Jann I'm glad you posted about downloads we were supposed to get with nutrition. I sure thought they would be available within a year. I had thought that even if it took quite a while we could download them on the last day and still get our money's worth. I know there are other nutrition sites but it just seemed to be so much more convenient to do it here.

Yesterday's appt didn't go well. Right now they won't do surgery without ok from cardiologist. Her pulse goes from 30-74. This is supposed to possibly throw off blood clots. Now I will worry. The cardiologist is Tuesday. Surgery is Wed and surgeon is still sure it will be done that day. She says the treatment is using a blood thinner and you wouldn't do that until after surgery anyway.

I didn't plan any wo until Monday. I have been cleaning out my office so I have room to exercise AND work. I keep my house clean but everything I don't know what to do with goes into my office. I am way behind on my work and hope to get a lot done tomorrow.

Magnolia I second the need for 1 rms. I also needed to make adjustments along the way but in meso 1 the changes seem kind of fast so it's nice having weights ready.

Last week when I did a couple of meso 3 I was using the same or heavier weight. I really wonder what meso 1 will feel like since it is different. I'm not ready for all the pushups. I hope I get the tower for the 2nd week.
Good morning, Y'all.

Well, I am ready to start STS tomorrow (I think). Anyway, I'm starting it. I'm planning walks for my first week's cardios. The extended weather forecast looks favorable :rolleyes:, and I have been exhausted lately, so maybe I can work on endurance a little without killing myself.

Joan, does that tower fold up so that you can store it, or is it necessary to leave it set up all the time?

Beth, I have seen a few clips for Insanity. I wouldn't know how to modify some of that stuff! I'm sure people who do those workouts get amazing results, but my results would probably involve traction. :eek:

DH and I are going into Little Italy today to the San Gennaro Festival (that big Italian festival they have every year). The weather is beautiful, and it's a nice day to just get out and have some fun. Our last chance before the "insanity" starts.

Ladies, have a great day!

Magnolia The festival sounds like a lot of fun!!

Joan I emailed cathe dot com many times about the blender and free downloads that were in our 1 year membership package. At first Josh told me that they were not going to do anything about that. Then I wrote again and was told that any one who purchased the system while that offer was made they will honor it when the blender software comes out. I also asked if I would have to purchase another year to get it and was told no. Because at this point as much as I liked the NS it's not worth 100.00 a year. I also thought by adding in the "extras" is what made it a good value.
I am using the GWF nutrition software now. I don't like it as much but since I am going to be using the bugg for calories burned I might as well use the software for nutrition.
I am so sorry the news about your Mother was not better. Many hugs!

Jumped on the treadmill this morning. I am still fighting this headcold...:(
WHEW! hi ya'll, sorry to be so absent this week. been so busy. and my husband kinda hogs the computer when he's home. LOL!
i am so ready to be done w/STS. i didn't feel like this the first time. i did not even finish this week. i still have one disc to do on wk 3. i had another meltdown yesterday. laid on the couch all day. just too tired to do anything. so, gonna try and do disc 33 tomorrow, then finish up wk 4. i am REALLY tired. i feel better tonite. was gonna try to do d33 today, but didn't have time. so, i feel rested. hopefully i can finish up this week.

a friend of mine has PX90 , and i was thinking about borrowing it. what do ya'll think of it? is it as hard as STS? and, how much of a break should i take if i decide to do it?
anyway, that is my life. just, go,go,go all the time it seems. i have not had time to even read anything on here this week, so, gotta try to catch up sometime.

we are very grateful for the rain, unfortunately, all of our grass has died, so it was a little late, but we are still very grateful.

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