50 and over week of March 20 check in


Where are the weeks going?

The scale was up a little this morning so I need to watch what I eat a little closer. It's easy to grab something quick rather than plan a meal.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend.


I did burn 2 followed by treadmill walk/run.
Replying to myself, again. :p

Today's workout will be Get lean intervals. I started the SB diet one month ago, I am down 5 pounds. I'll take that!
Good job Jann! 5 pounds that is really off is great!

Joan, hang in there! April is gaining on us!

I am feeling the itch to go through the STS again. I wonder if I could go to meso 2 without going through 1. with the Trx I think it is the endurance phase like Phase 1. But I do like having everything planned out to the point that I know what i am doing that week.

Hi magnolia! I gave to go back and read last weeks posts because I do not know what I missed.

Have a good day everyone!
Beth I like meso 2 and 3 better than 1.

Dh had pinched nerve in his back and now he is home in bed. It's a good thing I don't have anything else to do so I have time to get him advil, water, his briefcase etc.

Good Morning, Y'All!

Jann, SPRING :D! One of my favorite words! YAY!!!! BTW, Good Job!! That diet really does work.

Beth, I am trying to work my way up to doing STS again, but I agree with you--I like Mesocycles 2 & 3 better.

I did Body Fusion this morning. Still trying to get my stamina and strength back. I can tell I'm not quite there yet!

Have a great day, everyone, and Happy Spring!!

I had forgotten how much it takes to get through intervals... :confused: I skipped two sections -- Did the rest!

Thanks! If I could convince myself to do phase 1 for more than a day I bet I'd drop a few more! I am just too tired. I am also adjusting to synthroid... no easy feat! ;) I keep losing the same 5 pounds - :rolleyes: I really hope to go further this time.
Good morning, Y'All!

I just finished Basic Step and Stability Ball Abs. I eased off on the step height today. I have a lot of housework, and I don't want to have any excuses not to finish the cleaning.

I'm trying eating a lot slower. I read a tip someone shared that she fixes her breakfast, then multi tasks while she eats it. For example, maybe she has a piece of toast which she puts on a small plate. She takes a bite, then goes and makes the bed, another bite, showers, another bite fixes her hair, etc. I tried this when I was in a hurry on Saturday morning with a piece of peanut butter toast, and I couldn't finish it! So I am trying to eat as slowly as possible. We'll see.

Have a great day, everyone!

I'm going to count running up and down the stairs getting ice packs and Pepsi etc for my dh as my exercise.

I know I am a fast eater. If we have an interesting conversation going on I eat slower and it does take less calories to be full.

Good idea on the eating Magnolia! I also have been cutting things in half before I start and telling myself that i eat half now and half later. I started doing that with the HGC diet and I got used to much smaller portions.

I have done TRX 3 days in a row now. DH is now in to going to these classes with me at the gym In the evening after work. If I beg out then I know he won't go. The problem is that i miss doing my own thing at home. So, I need to do both, right?

What I really need to do is a good spring cleaning around here! But it is too pretty to stay indoors for that!

Jann how's the puppy?

Joan, men make great patients, don't they?

have a good day everyone!
Good Morning, Y'All!

I am taking a rest day today.

DH has the day off, so I made some pancakes (whole grain, of course). I usually eat my portion and am still hungry. Today, I ate very slowly and could not finish my portion. As a matter of fact, I left more than I would have thought. I also notice that I am less likely to pick up extra snacks. If I can just keep this up, I may be on to something.

Have a great day, everyone!

Good Morning, Y'All!

Hope y'all are all well.

I just finished Power Hour. It was tough, even with modifications, but at least I managed to finish it.

Have a great day, everyone!

Magnolia great job!!! :D:D:D:D Power hour is a good one!

I took my rest day yesterday and did fat burn challenge today. Plus I added 100 swings to get my calorie burn a bit higher.
I spent 7 hours in the emergency room with my mother today. I finally decided we had to get her to the doctor and maybe the emergency room could do all the tests. She had the same blood tests she had in January and results were the same-good. She doesn't have blood clots but I knew that because a prior scan showed impossibly clear veins and she eats right now. She didn't have an infection but I knew that because I can tell by her eyes and skin when she has an infection and she just got off antibiotics. So the results were just as expected we need to get the swelling down. Of course they didn't say how to do that. I'm still on the waiting list for the lymhedema pt. There were 6 in front of her now only 2. I then babysat for 2 hours because dil is on spring break and went to see her parents and ds had a meeting.

I really need to work for the next 4 hours but I'm too tired. I don't know how I will get all my work done.

Omgoodness Joan. Sounds like you could use a day of sleep... Is your mom still in the hospital? Is she on meds to help reduce the fluid?

Today is Burn circuit 1 then some type of cardio... not sure yet.
Good afternoon, Y'All!

Joan, it does sound like you really need a little down time. I know you are concerned about the work, but you also have to take care of yourself or you won't be in any shape to do it. Maybe a nap or two is a good idea, or a nice little short walk.

Jann, are you doing CLX? I have been thinking about that for myself (I really love the Push circuit), but I found a rotation that someone posted called "Beginner-Intermediate-Advanced." I thought it looked interesting and fun, and would help me become more familiar with more of Cathe's workouts. I decided to modify it so that I would workout 4 days a week, until I can do more. Today I did the all step premix from Cardio & Weights, plus the ab section and the cool-down & stretch. So far, so good.

Have a great evening, everyone!

HI all -- Yes Magnolia I am doing CLX again. I like the 30 minute workouts, then adding cardio when I want.

Today is a rest day. Taking our DS out for his 25th birthday lunch. I know there will be cake.... :)

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