50 and over week of July 10 check in


I can't lift my arms but I just finished discs 16 and 18. I will do 17 tomorrow.

Jann Don't accept my excuses, yell at me when I don't keep up. Well not Friday but the rest of the week I could have exercised. I should be able to catch up with you for meso 3 if you take a rest week. I've already had mine.

Joan -
Stop with the excuses.
Stop blaming your age.
And go workout!
Hi, Y'All!

I just finished Disc 7. I don't know if I am getting smaller, but I am certainly getting stronger! I was able to keep up better today than when I started this time. There is, however, a very good reason I wait until about 4 pm to do these workouts--if I do them in the morning, I am finished for the rest of the day! :confused:

Hope you are all having a great weekend. I'm off to see "Casablanca"!

Jann - like like like!!! Too funny! applies to me too!

Joan- who needs arms anyway?

Magnolia - I know you can't be getting too much smaller because you look pretty small as you are! Maybe stronger?

I am having a hard tie keeping up with the STS because I have been spinning and TRX ing! I'm sort of following the plan while at the gym. t seems like it is working but not quite the same as following the tapes at home. Can I stay in the challenge ?
Just finished disc 17. See it worked because I'm so afraid of Jann.:)

Beth I think as long as we are doing something it's ok. I can't believe how out of shape I let myself get. The Disney pictures are really telling. I need to take pictures of myself every month.

It seems like it is always something. I got a call today to come pick up Elliot at the hospital because they had to take Luke there. They had just driven back from Dil parent's about 1.5 hours away when Luke had a seizure. Fortunately they were driving right by the hospital. It turns out it was just because his fever had spiked so he is ok. Of course they had their dog with them so they were also worried the dog would die from the heat in the car.

Good Morning, Y'All!

Thanks, Beth. Not as small as I used to be, but I certainly am stronger than when I started this. Yesterday I was able to get through Disc 7 in less time & more smoothly than the previous workouts.

You are continuing to do the STS workouts, even though it is in the gym. Why not continue with the challenge?

Today is going to be very hot, and I have lots of housework on tap. I am thinking of doing some light cardio, provided I have time.

Have a great day, everyone!

No dvd workout. Finished up outside trimming, weeding, and edging.

Beth of course. It's not like it's cast on a stone calendar. :cool:

Joan I am not committing to meso 3 just yet. I seem to be gaining weight. It might be because I am so hungry all the time from lifting so heavy. I want to look at meso 3 I can't remember the weight selection. I may need more cardio for a month. :)

Magnolia - I took at look at your picture -- you look mar-vel-ous my friend! :)
Jann I belong to another group - Burn the fat Build the muscle inner circle. According to the book by the same name, you are supposed to have your biggest meals before and after lifting. Your muscles need the protein and carbs to build. Of course they want you to eat 6 meals a day. They aren't very big if you can only eat 1400 calories. I only usually eat 3 meals and snack but try to save the most carbs for after lifting. Maybe this would help your hunger.

Even if I don't lose weight I look smaller if I keep up the lifting. Make sure I don't stop this time.

Magnolia, housework counts as cardio. Or something. I burn the most calories when I clean.

I fell asleep at 7pm and didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning. I must have been tired.

Hi, Y'All!

Thanks, Jann, but that's sort of an old picture. I just don't photograph particularly well and haven't changed it yet. I was just thinking it's about time to update.

I just finished Disc 8. I really wish I did not have an almost immobile left shoulder. Osteoarthritis really stinks!!!!! My right shoulder is just fine, but I have a lot of trouble with some of the exercises on my left side. I can't complain too much, though, I have actually lost 1 lb. this week so far.

Have a great evening, everyone!

Thanks Joan. I do try to eat before and after I lift. I get so hungry mid-day. :confused:

Magnolia -- Hang in there. My left shoulder acts up also. Some times if I roll over at night onto it, I wake up in pain. :eek:

Disc 22 done today. Speaking of shoulders. :D
Good morning,

It's not much of a "race" across America but at least I'm not dead last. I did get in 3 miles yesterday.

Magnolia, You seem to be getting consistent with a pound a week. That's great. I'm down today but I don't seem to make it the whole week before it's back up. Maybe this time.

For me it's my right shoulder. I've started out really light this time and it hasn't been too bad. Once I hurt it it seems to hurt constantly. I think that is why I have been so careful this time.

Hi, Y'All!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BETH!! I hope you are having a fantastic day!

I just finished Disc 9, and my legs are cooked!!!! :eek: They are so tired, I don't want to even think about getting up from this couch. Wow. I can't wait for plyo legs. :rolleyes:

It has been a nice day here today, beautiful and sunny. Only in the low 80s at most, and not much humidity. I managed to get out for a grocery store excursion.

Have a great evening, everyone!

I am so behind this week. :confused: I hope to get to legs today. I just had no energy yesterday, again. :mad: I wish I knew if it was just getting older and I just can't do as much, or something is wrong. ugh!!
Happy Birthday Beth.

I missed yesterday completely. Dil dropped off Luke before I had even gotten up in the morning. I can't really complain because I didn't want her to take him to the community pool but it would have been nice to have known. Then I had Elliot all afternoon. Of course this was the day I had put off my real work that was due by 7pm that evening.


Good Morning, Y'All!

Sorry I missed yesterday, but I am in the middle of a two-day household workout! Hopefully I can finish it today.

Have a great day, everyone!


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