5 meals a day?


My goal is to loose 10 lbs. I've been trying to eat 5 meals a day each about 200-300 cals every 2 to 3 hrs for the total of 1,200 for the day, but just can't seem to do it. I was wondering if you guys could post some of your meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks)?
Hi Katia-

breakfast-oatmeal, fruit, milk
snack-cheese sticks, fruit, veggies, nuts
lunch-yogurt, dried meat, apples, oranges, cheese, veggies
snack-popcorn and more fruit
dinner-varies, but usually a protein and carb and some fat
snack-nuts, popcorn, fruit

My staple foods are yogurt, nuts, cheeses, veggies, fruits, and beans. When I have a meat source, it is usually turkey, chicken or tuna. I rarely eat red meat.

Really, I just eat whatever I crave. I am not a big meat eater so I try to have milk, cheese, and yogurt everyday to get protein. I also like to eat beans with rice for dinner for a protein source as well. You can adjust the foods to fit your caloric needs. I eat more than 1200 calories per day so I just have bigger and more servings. Since cutting back on the junk food, these are the foods I love to eat. I know my diet seems pretty boring, but it works for me. I don't make an effort to eat low-fat. I count calories, try to have a protein, carb, and fat at every meal, and try to eat whole food sources as much as possible. HTH
What were you eating when you ate 3 meals a day?
Just eat the same breakfast as before, and split the other two meals into two parts.
I cycle my eating plan every 6 wks. so I never plateau; the same holds true for my weight training. Here's a sample of what I eat:

Meal 1: steel cut oatmeal 1/2 c w/blueberries & coffee
Meal 2: 1/2 c cottage cheese w/apple & green tea
Meal 3: mixed green salad w/carrots, avocado, beets, peppers, tomatoes, radishes, cucumber & 3 oz. chicken in a oil & balsamic vinagrette dressing
Meal 4: protein bar
Meal 5: fish w/veggies (carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, squash & zucchini
Meal 6: protein shake (I use Grow! Low Carb protein powder)

This is what I'm eating now for 6 wks. & then change it up. Let me know if you need more info. Best, Kathy
Yes I change the protein grams & fiber grams every 6 weeks. I don't count calories either. The first 6 weeks its Cycle 1: 110g protein & 30g fiber; Cycle 2: 137g protein & 45g fiber; Cycle 3: 165g protein & 60g fiber & then back down to Cycle 4: 137g protein & 50g fiber & then you start it all over again. I've had success cycling my diet this way. I also cycle my weight training according to the protein & fiber intake. Kathy

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