5-day ICE/X-train/Yoga hybrid starts 6/27/16



I recently got finished with 12 weeks of X-train, and before that I did 12 weeks of ICE.

I loved both programs, but I found that 6 days a week of workouts was too much for me, so I created a 5-day program that is a hybrid of ICE/X-train and the 2 yoga DVDs from Cathe's Low Impact Series. I'm a busy mom of 3 kids, and I own my own business, working 45+ hours per week. I get up at 5 am to get my workouts in, and I find that I really need more down time and extra rest days, as I approach my 50s (I'm 48).

If you are at all interested, look for my rotation in the Workout manager and join me. Or, feel free to tweak it to suit your own needs.

The hybrid focuses mainly on 2 strength days, 2 cardio days, 1 yoga day, and the other two rest days are for extra sleep or to take a walk or just do nothing to give my body the pampering it needs.

I don't see my rotation showing up as an option in the rotations that are available on the rotation manager. I don't know if someone has to "approve" them to show up or what the deal is. The last user-created rotation I see is from April 2016.

So, I guess I will post in advance what my week will be, and, again, someone who is interested can follow or tweak as needed.

I start on Monday, the 27th. Here is my week:

Monday: ICE Rock'm Sock'm Kickbox; ICE Icy Core 1
Tuesday: Xtrain: 01 Chest, Back, Shoulders
Wednesday: Low Impact Series: Yoga Relax
Thursday: Xtrain: 02 Bis & Tris
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: ICE To the Mat: Legs & Glutes
Sunday: Rest Day

Not a lot of cardio this week; I wanted to hit every body part for weights. Depending on how I feel this week, I will add in some walking, but not too much, since my focusing is on building muscle to start the first week. I should be in pretty good shape, having recently completed 12 weeks of Xtrain.
Hi, there! I started my hybrid today, but the day didn't start exactly as planned. I had my workout clothes on and all set to start Rock'm Sock'm, but one of my dogs was whining and kept going over to where the leases are. So, since I'd been away for a week and feeling slightly guilty, I took the dogs for a brief walk before my workout.

Because of that, I did only about 35 minutes of Rock'm Sock'm before doing Core 1, based on my available time. I took it pretty low impact, since my achilles is flared from the amount of walking I did last week.

Weights tomorrow and will get going ASAP, as I have to take a kid to the orthodontist early AM.

I'm trying to stick pretty close to Paleo/Whole 30 for a few days. My intent is to drop about 6 pounds along the way during these 12 weeks. My ultimate goal would be 8 pounds; I'll settle for 4.
Xtrain 01: Chest, Back, Shoulders

I had a week in between finishing X-train and the start of this hybrid, though I did go to the gym and lift weights once last week. Either the time off, or having a glass of wine last night, showed in my performance today. While I maintained weight (even going up on one shoulder exercise), I did have to drop down a rep or two or four on some of the exercises.

Oh well, I've marked that and will try again next time! Yoga Relax tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to doing the entire workout. So far, I've only done it once, using a timesaver mix.
Hey there! Not sure why they don't update the rotations when people create them. I guess they'd just have too many!?

Here is the latest:

Wednesday - LIS Yoga Relax. This was hard for me. I am not good at just stretching, being still, and RELAXING! I always feel like I have to be moving!! So, although the movements were not hard for me, it was a challenge in that regard. What I did notice was for the rest of the day, I felt really relaxed. Even when work was busy, my brain was not all crazy and I could handle it all. A thumbs up for this day!

Thursday - X-train Bis and Tris. Great workout. I stayed with my weights from last time, but it was hard, not having worked those body parts in a couple of weeks. I had to go down in reps for some of the exercises. I noted one exercise to try and increase weight next time.

Tomorrow is a scheduled REST day. I thought before that I might try and do something, but I think I will take the day and sleep a little later. I purposely scheduled these on Fridays because usually by the end of the week, I'm a bit sleep deprived. Getting more rest will help me lose some of the weight I want to lose (8 pounds total). My oldest kids have to be up at 6 am for Cross Country practice, but they don't need me for that. I can sleep in until 6 am, and I know I'll need that!
Hello! Here is the latest:

On Saturday, I completed Week 1 of my 12-week hybrid with ICE TTM. I always find those ball exercises really hard to do, but the rest of the floor leg work was pretty good. I realize that I want to try to incorporate more lower body work into my week, so I will examine each week and see where it might be lacking and add in extra squats and/or lunges with weights.

However, I don't think I will have that issue on Week #2. Here is the plan:

Monday - ICE Low Impact Sweat WITH the muscle meltdown Back
Tuesday - LIS Yoga Max
Wednesday - ICE Metabolic Total Body WITH the muscle meltdown Chest
Thursday - Xtrain: 06 Cardio Leg Blast
Friday - rest day
Saturday - ICE Chiseled Upper Body (this may be a day I add in extra walking and/or some extra butt/leg work, to get my metabolism revved by working the large muscle groups)

I'm going to have to figure out something for Saturday's workout because I will be out of town, so I will probably print out the workout from the ICE Users Guide and do it in the hotel gym. However, I will have to watch the DVD before I go to familiarize myself with some of the moves since it's been a while since I've done this workout. Also, the workout pages don't list the target # of reps. Aarrgh, that's annoying!

Hope everyone is having a great July 4th weekend!
Hello! Here is the latest!

Monday - I completed ICE LI Sweat and the back work. I chose Cardio #1. It was pretty low key, and I felt like I could have had a bigger challenge. Back work was good, and I also felt I got some good leg work in there during all of it.

Today - LIS Yoga Max. Again, this was hard for me because I have trouble just slowing down. It was a good chance, however, to work on my stretching, and I find a lot of yoga moves challenging. I definitely have something to work up to as not all of the poses are easy for me. This workout is more a traditional yoga workout than Yoga Relax is. So far, I think I like Relax better, but that could be as I have room for improvement on this one. And, for today's workout, I felt like I got some good leg work in there.
Hi Mrschi! It is great to see you out here again. I owe you a very sincere apology. I just fell out of posting towards the end of our XT rotation. My life had gotten very hectic. I was working 60+ hours, kids, basement flooded, extended family health and financial problems. On and on and on. Something had to give at it unfortunately was my time to focus on the rotation and post accordingly. I did do my best to finish the last two weeks of the rotation. I definitely didn't hit 100% but I did ok.

We left town for Yellowstone and The Grand Tetons on June 19. We had a great trip. Lots of walking and hiking. Our most strenuous was a 10 mile round trip that was outstanding. I was very proud of my children for hanging with us for that hike!

We came home on July 2 and I resumed Cathe ICE on July 5. During my time away from Cathe my arms, chest, and shoulders lost the puffiness that I was experiencing. I definitely think that lifting heavy and cardio 6 days a week was too much for me mentally as well as my body type. I didn't gain definition just puffiness. After doing ICE for 2 months and then XT for 12 weeks I would "think" that my body would have adjusted (if it was going to) and begin to show some definition????

I started back with ICE level 1 rotation last week. This week I have alternated ICE workouts with other barre DVDs that I have at home. I need to think it through but within a week rotation I would like to complete 2 barre, 1 metabolic, 1 steady state, and 2 weights (one upper, one lower). Even though this is 6 days of exercising I think I will stretch my week to 8 days and do this on a rotational basis. I have come to love Cathe's metabolic WOs from ICE and XT. I have been thinking of adding AfterBurn to my collection. I am pear shaped, 5'2" and seem to really need what barre workouts do for the outer hip/saddle bag area.

I've read the descriptions for Cathe's upcoming releases and will probably think further before I buy. I don't necessarily want a piece of equipment but would like her intermediate and advanced DVDs.

I hope your vacation went well!
Hi, Ranch Mom! I hear ya - work and life and everything gets to be bit much. I often wish having more hours in the day, but it's a matter of priorities. Right now, I have work to do in that regard!

I was away from Thursday-Sunday in San Diego at a work conference with my husband. That meant late nights and some wine and fancy dinners!

Saturday, I did my upper body workout at the hotel gym, after taking a walk outside. I alternated bicep/tricep/shoulder exercise sets with a few ab moves as well. I did about 8 rounds all together.

Today, I started Week 3 of my hybrid with Xtrain Hard Strikes. Tomorrow is Burn Sets Chest/Back/Shoulders and Wednesday will be LIS Yoga Relax. I will try and post the full Week 3 tomorrow.
Week 3 Rotation - sorry this is late

Monday (already passed) - Xtrain Hard Strikes
Tuesday (already passed) - Xtrain Burn Sets - Chest/Back/Shoulders
Wednesday (tomorrow) - ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast
Thursday - LIS Yoga Relax
Friday - rest day
Saturday - Xtrain Burn Sets - Bis and Tris

I originally thought yoga was for tomorrow because I usually do that on Wednesday, but for some reason, I did it Thursday. I think because I thought it would be a great stretch the day after Lower Body.

Today was Chest/Back/Shoulders. I did a shorter version because I was short on time. I don't expect to be sore tomorrow, but you never know!
Tuesday-XT Supercuts

I enjoyed doing a metabolic WO today. I did ICE Metabolic Total Body last week. I'm still searching for what my rotation will look like. Clearly I know I can't do XT 6 days a week. :) I will find my way though. I just love Cathe...she is awesome!
Great workout today with ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast. Maybe I'm just used to the heavier weights of Xtrain, but I thought this one was a bit easy. I decided to stick with what weights she was using, though, just in case it caught up to me. I see on my schedule that I have this workout again on Monday (not sure my though process there, but I will keep it on there), so I'll see if I can pump up the intensity a bit more. Since it's on the Monday, that should be easy to do.

My feet are always so tight and hard to move when I first wake up or whenever I stand, so I decided that I need to be better about "rolling" them. I have a small, rubber tube-like thing that I got for this purpose, so I will make sure I do that at least once a day. I think I would do better with incorporating foam rolling into my day to stretch out and relax my muscle. I also need to do better about doing core work, so I will try and add some things in at night once or twice a week. Things like planks, back extensions, etc for the whole core. I would like to improve my posture.

Tomorrow is LIS Yoga Relax. I really liked that one last time.
Today I did a 30 min barre workout and I walked for 45 min. I doubt I will get a WO in tomorrow as our AC is not working. GRRR! I will probably get the family to sleep in the basement and see what the morning brings.

Take Care!
We got the AC working yesterday. Luckily the repair company had the needed part on his truck and we had AC again by noon. Yippie!

Our basement was a bit of a mess because we slept down there Wed night. I picked up enough of the bedding and boxes to have a good workout space this morning. I completed ICE Boot Camp and I feel great.

I am going to be doing yoga and taking a long walk tomorrow.

Have a wonderful weekend!
Today was my scheduled rest day. Glad for those!

I think I have a bis/tris workout tomorrow. It's always easier to do a weight workout than cardio on Saturday for some reason!
Burn sets - Bis and Tris was yesterday. My arms are really sore, even though I followed my workout with some BCAAs. It was a tough workout, and I had to go down a rep here or there from where I was when I completed Xtrain 4 weeks ago.

For some reason, I've lost 2 pounds in 4 days. I'll take that!

Week 4 of the hybrid:

Monday - ICE Cardio Leg Blast
Tuesday - Xtrain - Chest, Back, Shoulders
Wednesday - Low Impact Series Yoga Max
Thursday - ICE Boot Camp Circuit
Friday - rest day
Saturday - Xtrain legs - standing and floor work only; Core #2

So, the purpose of Week 4 was to get a really good lower body week in, to burn max calories and work on shaping my lower body. Plus, Monday/Thursday/Saturday all have a cardio component in there as well (even if/when working legs). Might be a tough week!
Week 4 starting OK.

Mon - Ice Chiseled Lower Body DONE! (I got the title wrong above)
Tues - Xtrain - Chest/Back/Shoulders DONE! (but hard!)
So far this week, things are mumming along. On Monday I went for a walk and completed 20 min of lower body pilates/outer thigh work. Barre on Tuesday and I did ICE Upper Body today. I just love the ICE upper body WO. I love that there is just enough focus on abs at the end of the DVD. I followed Cathe's weights to a "T" even though I knew I could go higher. I definitely don't want the bulk back in my upper body. Oh how I wish I could become more "cut" looking!
Yoga Max today done! Tomorrow is ICE Boot Camp Circuit.

We had Chipotle for lunch. My son got a job at a new one that opens tomorrow, and today was the free "trial" so we snagged free food. Since we also do Tuesday dinner there every week, and did last night, I don't think I'll be making dinner tonight! :) Maybe a protein smoothie if I get hungry. Even though I always have a salad at Chipotle, those still have calories!
Today was ICE Boot Camp Circuit. Serious positive self-talk today during the workout. I wanted to quit from the very beginning, but I got it done! I just realize that I cannot do a lot of the bouncing things on the steps, like repeaters, because it aggravates my achilles issue. So, I will - no matter what - need to modify. I can do things like lunges or weight work, just not the rapid, pushing off things.

Rest day tomorrow, and we are going to go on a college tour with my oldest. Back on Saturday with Xtrain Legs.

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