44" Step used in DVDs


Does anyone know where to purchase the 44" wide STEP used in the Cathe DVDs? I looked at the STEP website, but it appears they only sell wholesale. The STEP on the Walmart site seems to be shorter :(


RE: 44

I also saw the aqua marine and fuscia ones at www.megafitness.com for $85 w/ shipping. I've never ordered from there, so I can't comment on the quality of their service. You can usually find a few (again, usually the aqua marine and fuscia ones) on ebay as well.

RE: 44

Staci, do you live by a Big 5 sporting good s store, I got my original club step the one Cathe uses in some of her step tapes, the aqua marine fuscia colored one for 69.00, it is great. Good luck.

RE: 44

I checked out walmart and they have it for $57.84. Curiously, they have another listed for $77 and change that seems identical (same dimensions, color), except that it comes with Cathe's All Step video. So if you got that one, you'd be getting the video for $20.

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