40lbs dumbbells



Does anyone here have dumbbells up to 17.5kg (40lbs) and uses them? If you do, what exercise do you them for and which DVDs? Or will you be purchasing these for STS?

I have a barbell with plates that I can load up to 110lbs, which is perfect for leg work. I have not used it in it's entirety as yet. But I think I would like to order more dumbbells for upper body work and have seen pairs from 10kg (22lbs), 12.5kg (27.5lbs), 15kg (33lbs), and maybe 17.5kg (38.5lbs). I think 17.5kg might be too heavy and I would never use it.

I am not looking to get bigger, just loading up so that the exercises remain challenging.

I do. I bought them for my dh, but now I use them for some back work- Lawnmowers (P90X), heavy pants, etc. HTH!
Yen-I'm currently shopping for a good price on 35 pounders AND 40 pounders. Like Jess, I need them for back work.

I've been thinking that I will need to invest in heavier DB too. I only have up to 30's, but I have been using the 30 and a 5lb DB in one hand for one arm rows (not very comfortable, but I can do it). I know that I need 35's and will probably want to go up to 45's with STS. I think in one pic Cathe is using a 45 for a one-arm row. [[[Siiiggghhhh]]]....this means more money! Are they cheaper online? Doesn't shipping cost a lot?

I live in the UK so I can't tell you how much it would cost for shipping. I looked on the internet and found that I can afford to get the set for around $250 excluding shipping, but shipping is another $20.

I was wondering if people use them for chest work as well - using them for back work on it's own is not utilizing them enough, in my opinion.

Does your height and size matter? I'm 5ft and do not have big hands. Do they come up very big in your hands?

Just a thought for some of you.

I just found the "dumbbell" bars that came with my barbell. I can put the barbell weight plates on them so I can change the weight on my dumbells.

It would not work well for quick changes, but may work fine for some of the heavy back work and you could vary quite a bit that way.

I had completely forgotten about them until I ended up being able to transform a bedroom into my fitness room.
Yes - we got some from Dicks sporting Goods. They are mostly for DH but I use them for one-arm Rows - just a few of course! I am no superwoman here!

Clarissa :)

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