4" Step Too Low?

I have been doing Cathe tapes for years and years. Before I had 3 kids, I was up on an 8" step. I've been working out 4-5 times per week and am stuck at the 4" level. I'm 4'11" and find that my heart rate is right in the middle of the range for my age (37). When my step is this low, I can actually finish my videos <g>. Should I try to work up to an 8" step again, or is it most important for my heart rate to be on track and to have endurance?
I don't think so

I think that as long as you are challenging yourself, you are getting a good workout. Even Cathe went down to 6" because that kept her comfortably winded (or something like that). I'm also a 4 incher and I'm 6' tall!

Just a suggestion

Actually both more intense workouts and longer more moderate workouts are important and you should alternate between these. How about if you try to raise your step to 6" for one or two step sections and lower it for the other sections and increase your capacity that way?

Dawn W
Whatever is comfortable for you...

Especially since you're short, I'd say stay at 4" or 6". I'm 5'3" and I never go higher than 6" for Cathe workouts. I have tried some slower paced workouts (Crunch, etc.) on an 8" step, but I'm constantly tripping and feeling like I'm going to injure myself trying to get my stubby little legs to do what they need to do at that step height. But of course, it all depends on what you're comfortable with -- as long as you're feeling okay and not gasping for air (unless you're in the anaerobic phase of an interval!:)).

I think you should try a 6" occasionally with less grueling workouts. You'd be surprised what you can do, and it's good to challenge yourself sometimes just to really "feel it", not to mention to increase your fitness level. Actually, since 6" is still considered high beginner level, it might feel really good to you on days when you feel more energetic.

Of course, if you decide it's not comfortable, you're way too winded or your knees are complaining about it, just stick with 4". As long as your body says you're working comfortably, it can only be a good thing!
I appreciate your comments. Sometimes my knees do get to me, but I think that using a 6" board occasionally (maybe once or twice per week) on an "easier" Cathe tape (can "easier and "Cathe tape" be combined in the same sentence?) :D might challenge me without actually killing me! Thanks for your input!
I am 5'2" and originally (I can't believe this!)I did a 10" step that my husband built for me from wood (Collage Video had directions in the old days. I am much better off at 6 inches on Cathe's tapes, and when I was recovering from a dislocated knee and coming back from a fractured ankle, I was on the 4 inch platform, and it felt great. I think you are pretty tiny to be doing an 8 inch step and you should do what feels right for you.
6" Considered "High Beginner Level"

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-21-01 AT 06:25PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Brinley,
I was curious how or who determined that 6" step is still considered high beginner level? From what perspective is that? I have been doing step for at least six years. When I was a beginner I used the 4" riser. As I gained experience and got more comfortable, I progressed to the 6". I take "Advanced" classes at the gym and did Reebok Intense Moves last week and Cathe's Interval Max this morning all the way through on the 6" step. So I guess it's a vanity thing to be "still considered high beginner level". I can take the intensity of 8" but my knees can't. Thanks in advance for claryfing.
RE: 6" Considered "High Beginner Level"

Hi Felicia,
I suppose it would be Gin Miller and the Reebok crew who decided 6" to be high beginner, as the Reebok step starts on 6". Of course, Reebok's 6" is just slightly shorter than the Step Company's 6", and the Step Company step (which Cathe uses) is longer and wider too. All to say, 6" on a Reebok step just doesn't feel as intense as 6" on a Step Company step.

I certainly didn't mean to suggest that people who step on 6" are all beginner level. Hey, if Cathe considers it tough enough, I'm not going to argue!

I guess so much of one's ideal step height depends on their knees. Obviously, knees dictate a lot about how high one should go, and you've got to listen to them! I admit I'm encredibly blessed to have healthy happy knees (and hope to be able to say that for a long time to come) so maybe I'm a little spoiled in that way. If my knees ever start to grumble too much, I know I can still get a good workout on 6" or 4", so no worries! :)
I agree ... an 8" step is too high for me. It may not be someday, but then again it may never change!
I think this all depends on your fitness level, your knowledge & history of step aerobics, and your knees.
What's right for one person may be terribly wrong for the next. I agree you have to challenge yourself all along the way, but if the challenge is too much for your body in any way, then the hell with it!
As long as we're working out to our own level on a consistent basis, we're already doing better than the majority of the population!
My two cents! :)
So, I'm not alone after all

Just 5 years ago I wouldn't get on a step if I didn't
stack it 8" high. 65lbs and too few workouts later I'm challenged by a 4" step and although I'm physically breathing hard, mentally I feel like such a wimp.

So I'm so glad to hear that fit people find lower step heights challenging.

I haven't given up though. Just last night I decided to tackle Keli Robert's Ultimate Step on a 6" inch step. I felt great though I could detect a mild ache the knees which I'm sure would worsen on an 8" step. Maybe I'll attempt "Step Heat" on a 6" step too.....one day.
RE: So, I'm not alone after all

You are DEFINITELY not alone and I always felt as you re: the higher the better... -- and actually was stepping at 10" for quite a while!!! Well, as so often (I have found out the hard way) is the case -- my knees started barking. So I backed off a bit and went down to 8" and felt much better, but again I am finding knee pain if I do step too many days in a row and on Monday found myself doing the hi-lo of MIC and then the step portion on 6". My knees are still a bit sore -- so I'll do some Cardio Kicks, etc.. and then stay at 6" for a while. Oh those knees!!! But at least with Cathe you know you don't need to go higher to get a killer work-out! Keep up the good work!

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