4 Day Split Just Fabulous!! Absolute Fabulous!


Hello Cathe, Crew, SNM, & NFL.

Now that I've done 3 out of 4 with some success and have some room for improvement (KB, BC, LIS), I want you all to know that I love them!!! Granted I was nervous with the new series like I was last year.
LIS-Love the step routine, it reminds of the C&W routine for some reason.
KB-Has that KPC feel to it. Flows really well. In the muscle work, I like the sitting down firewalkers stuff.It works well.
BC-Love the suicides, squat thrusts (terminators). The drills are definately fun. Didn't know I could Butt kick myself so well. Everytime, except for fast foot shuffle, I thought I couldn't do it, I ended up doing it.
HIS-from the previews, I know the stepping real be LOTS of Fun!

Kudos, Salute, Cheers to You All!!

Yours Truly,

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