4 Day Split (Cardio lenght)


Active Member
I was interested in buying the 4 Day Split DVD's. Some of the reviews I read said that the cardio portions were short. I was just wondering how short? Because as much as I love to lift weights, my body really thrives on the high intensity cardio workouts. Are we talking only 30 mins? Can someone who has tried these videos give me an idea please?
Hi Jennifer!
The cardio portions (High Intensity Step, Low Intensity Step, Kickbox & Boot Camp) are all 30 minutes long, give or take a few minutes. But they, in my opinion, are very intense short sessions. I am like you, I thrive on cardio, so I usually do the "double cardio" premixes where it plays HIS/LIS or Kickbox/Boot Camp back to back, so you get a good hour of high intensity work. I don't care for the weight work, I like to lift lighter with more reps (circuits are my fav!!), but I wouldn't trade this DVD for anything because I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the cardio!! I think the step is so much fun with great music! And the kickbox/boot camp really gets the job done too. Even if you just do the 1/2 cardio followed by weights, I'm sure you will feel it! There are tons of premixes offered on these DVD's, so I don't think you can go wrong.

Hope this helps!


PS- I know some find the step routines to be difficult to catch on to at first, but if you keep at it, you will get it. (not sure how much you like step) It's just that because the workouts are shorter, Cathe can't use as much time to break things down, so it's sort of like just jumping right into the routines. But they are so much fun!! Did I mention I LOVE them?? ;)
I agree. I'm doing 4DS this week, pretty much as produced, and the cardio is only 30 minutes, but she really packs in the intensity! I love dancy, challenging step choreography, so the step work outs are right up my alley. I'm not as big a fan of kickboxing, but since it's only 30 minutes and I know it's good for me, I can do it. And the boot camp--well, I did this one this morning and it really kicked my rear! I had to take a couple extra breaks, but I finished it all, including the last drill, which was a first for me. I usually poop out before the very end of that one.

The weight work in this series is great, too, short and to the point. I don't think you can go wrong with it. And the music is fun, too!

ITA! I love a great kick butt cardio workout and the 4DS is great for this. I also use the premixes to get a longer workout if that is what I need- the KB/BC cardio premix is killer. I say go for it, you will love this series. :)
I'm also a cardio hound, but 4DS is great when you want to mix strength and cardio on the same day. She packs a lot in those 30 minutes. Even with the set up in Bootcamp, I found I still got a great workout.
As someone else mentioned, you can do back-to-back cardio that end up being about 1 hour (and there are premixes for this). Then you can do your weights. This set is a great investment; there are about 20 premixes in addition to the workouts the way they are produced.
You should also know that the cardio time includes the WU & CD and I don't find it to be as intense as other Cathe cardio. That being said, there is some new and interesting step choreography and I think Cathe once stated that the cardio was short and not as intense b/c we need the energy to lift heavy for this series. As others have stated, there a longer cardio premixes.

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